Kokee & Goondu Gang Fall In: DJI Crashes ...

Well cocky cock kokee and Goondu Gang ... not crying collapse of US economy?! 

Why so queit!? Your cock masters no money to pay you for disinformation!

[Image: Screenshot-20220506-083443-Chrome.jpg]

all these know nut moronic comie dogs, Dow up 1000, down 1000, so? HSI & SSE today will up? my foot, Dow plunges, whole world will plunges, STI up? all these morons.
Dow up 1000, they bark?
Dow is only <10% from peak, SSE almost down>60% now, brainless dog stock=economy? then china economy already to hell.
all these dogs here bark nonsense to con or brainwash fools here 7/24, no logic, know nut, foolish yet bark like hooligan thru name calling, yet got moron here still believe all these stupid nut, LOL LOL.

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