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Kokee, Taiwan Prof says your beloved 美国 is 无赖国家! Duterte agrees with Prof Lai!



Did Assmerica make use of S. Korea to spread  virus to N. Korea?  Thinking



[Image: ZpBMwtTu5_gRdWlDIRF2-9q80JwO2Ob2CMnL-bfc...s798-nd-v1]

杜特蒂嘲拜登兩面人不可信 印度三哥勸澳洲學學菲律賓 新聞大白話 20220513

司马南 | 摩罗逻辑学⑦ :名包超高价不过是文化诈骗




[Image: 5-D57-F468-2-F5-F-4-BDC-B9-B7-D4296-E719-DEA.gif]

Top US scientist accused of helping Wuhan lab counter virus leak concerns

A top US scientist, who had worked with Wuhan Institute of Virology lab (WIV), has been accused of helping to organisation counter concerns that they may have been the source of the virus leak.



[Image: f5SGNrEFevSx-zLUHS68J33Opx3MXcFGOPtKtsvZ...s611-nd-v1]


Stirring shit in Central Asia again!

塔吉克騷亂中國“瓦罕走廊”關閉!解放軍駐塔吉克軍事基地受到衝擊!超200外國僱傭兵參與塔吉克斯坦戈爾諾-巴達赫尚省騷亂 西方點燃中俄後院 中俄共同駐軍“瓦罕走廊”




When W. media allowed different opinions | Madeleine Albright called out

Watch these brilliant moments where Albright says starving half a million Iraqi children to death through sanctions is "worth it" and when an American citizens calls out her massive hypocrisy in a town hall.

吃了誠實豆沙包? 小布希脫口"入侵伊拉克師出無名"|全球線上 @中天新聞


all these comie liars in this forum with their communists sources of lies & fake news & videos, norm.
US & EU are working closely globally to isolate china & russia, sanction, frozen & SWIFT, G7 also work closely with taiwan to support taiwan to get back to world arena.
russia & china are the one having huge problem now due to near bankrupt, both economy & military, let see whether they fight in near future.
the best they fight, then india, vietnam, japan, korea & the west can wait for then to sick & died.



伊朗靠中吉烏通北京莫斯科?歐盟議員嘲歐美國無恥至極 新聞大白話 20220604





U.S. is True Empire of Hacking, Surveillance, Theft of Secrets: Spokesman

Demonization of the enemy - for the Saddam Hussein episode, the American public absolutely fell for it.

And now they are demonizing China and Putin, and of course the American public is absolutely falling for it. It's not like people will eventually or suddenly some grow gray matter to let them realise their politicians and mass media are, once again, lying to them to demonize the enemies for the purpose of launching hegemonic, imperialistic wars against these two countries their establishment is determined to label as enemies that threaten American existence.

Once again, it will work like magic. Various surveys indicate 80% of Americans hate China.

Prior to the American invasion of Iraq, polls showed 75% of Americans and all Senators and congressmen except Barrack Obama were FOR the invasion. And this indirectly means about 80% of Americans will support the US government's decision to launch a war against China in the Taiwan straits or South China Sea. History always repeats itself.

USA's Dirty Tricks to stop China's Rise






(附字幕) 盧永雄「巴士的點評」美國一連串的「雙標」,背後反映什麼問題? 俄羅斯再亮出反經濟制裁大殺器「債券盧布結算令」,力拒違約陷阱。 22年6月24日

U.S.-backed smear campaign created 'debt trap' narrative to defame BRI

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