Kokee, dared not confirm? Canadian GENERAL and more in Ukraine?

(23-04-2022, 09:35 AM)kokee Wrote:  died in war is


(17-04-2022, 01:39 PM)kokee Wrote:  above & below are the big picture, comie dogs here spam little 1 army, 1 plane or helicopter & lies in their thread title like Ukraine lost, con or brainwash morons here, like that they song, these real dogs here, LOL LOL.

all these comie dogs here everyday lies here about Ukraine war, all the fake & BS, use your brain, simple, why putin so furious, everyday want to use nukes, because russia army ;lost till pantless, most important carrier kena shot till sink, lost in most war, kena chase out of ukraine, initially want whole ukraine, now to save face only donbass or mariupol, all these already enough to tell russia after 50 days of war, lost till pantless, still got brainless here believe all the BS & lies post by all these comie liars here, LOL LOL.


4.16 最新消息【普京輸懵左?】俄羅斯警告西方,再向烏克蘭提供武器將有「難以預測後果」,紙老虎發火了!!

died in war is norm, of course comie dogs here like to post lies & fake to con or brainwash morons here, all these communist source create their own lies & story to brainwash, still got brainless here believe all these shit? after kena conned so many times, still get conned, then real moron.
important is russia army, general & chief commander already died> 20000, all the junk weapons & army, mostly destroyed, almost all russia army chase out of ukraine except near east border, after 55 days, 10x more russian army than ukraine cannot even occupy & control 1 inch of ukraine land, real clowns, LOL LOL.

(23-04-2022, 09:56 AM)kokee Wrote:  died in war is norm, of course comie dogs here like to post lies & fake to con or brainwash morons here, all these communist source create their own lies & story to brainwash, still got brainless here believe all these shit? after kena conned so many times, still get conned, then real moron.
important is russia army, general & chief commander already died> 20000, all the junk weapons & army, mostly destroyed, almost all russia army chase out of ukraine except near east border, after 55 days, 10x more russian army than ukraine cannot even occupy & control 1 inch of ukraine land, real clowns, LOL LOL.

What happened to the aircrafts USA send to Ukraine to fight Russia?

Ok....maybe not thousands as USA already bankrupt 1000x. Got send 1 or not? Laughing

(23-04-2022, 05:06 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these bloody comunist source of lies still got morons believe? then is real moron.
almost 60 days of war, russia cant even occupy & control 1 inch of ukraine land, yet died>20000 generals, chief commander & army, tons of weapons totally destroy, you think russia junk army still can achieve anything? my foot.
Now Ukraine not only want to recover all their town & going to take over crimea from russia, who win? LOL LOL.
russia lost in this war is totally unimaginable, all these moronic comie dogs.

4.23 最新戰報【光復克里米亞!】烏軍計劃炸毀34億美元建造的克里米亞大橋,切斷俄軍軍事物資補給,一舉光復失土!


this moronic communist source of retarded, spam all lies & BS.
Ukraine trained by US yet Ukraine surrendered? everyday want Ukraine to surrender because russia totally cant fight now.
Ukraine not only chase all russia army out of Ukraine lands, Ukraine is going to occupy crimea soon, that is taking over the control of crimea from Russia, then decide whether to attack russia on north all the way to moscow & st. peterburg. Ukraine is not worry or scared of war.






(30-04-2022, 05:30 AM)kokee Wrote:  US pump US$33B into Ukraine war, that is to prepare to attack russia in near future, so not only Ukraine will fully recover as original country, likely Ukraine will take over crimea & ton of russia land in future.

美對烏軍「攻擊俄本土」開綠燈!拜登軍援加碼10倍 逼出普丁最後咆哮!

英外長: 把俄軍全部趕出烏克蘭全境,包括克里米亞

not only canada, now 43 countries join hands in Ukraine to war with russia.
as above, be patient to wait for all to bomb & attack in russia like what russia did to ukraine in last 2 months.
russia almost lost attacking power now, russia will get bombed when time comes.

俄軍擊斃美海軍陸戰隊士兵!英軍尼古拉耶夫海軍基地外向俄軍投降 CNN不告訴你的:丹麥“光頭黨”領導人巴爾德森頓巴斯與美軍坎塞爾一起陣亡 英國防部證實與美國聯合向烏克蘭部署愛國者導彈 美俄核戰爭一觸即發


(30-04-2022, 10:52 AM)kokee Wrote:  Ukraine army already attack into russia land 100+ km, problem is they dont bomb russia building & civillians, russia started it, ukraine must be more hooligan now.
let see ukraine can chase all russia army out of Ukraine in 4 weeks time then start to attack & bomb russia fully all the way to moscow with the support & supply from US, UK & NATO.

「打趴普丁」最關鍵4週!美軍召開40國援烏會議 削弱俄軍到無法重建!

Hows your white cums sucking? Laughing

Ukraine army already attack into russia land 100+ km, problem is they dont bomb russia building & civillians, russia started it, ukraine must be more hooligan now.
let see ukraine can chase all russia army out of Ukraine in 4 weeks time then start to attack & bomb russia fully all the way to moscow with the support & supply from US, UK & NATO.

「打趴普丁」最關鍵4週!美軍召開40國援烏會議 削弱俄軍到無法重建!



俄軍正式起訴“英國軍情六處間諜” 頓涅茨克總檢察長宣布刑事起訴兩名英國人 英國政府放棄“營救”本國公民 兩名間諜後半生恐在監獄度過 肖恩.平納1994年參與南斯拉夫檔案已送抵頓涅茨克總檢察長辦公室





(04-05-2022, 11:19 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia military power totally gone case now, only left nukes, no one know whether their nukes working or not as not seen also not tested before.
US already said they van handle russia nukes, if this is true, then russia totally game over, waiting for the world to take over russia, the whole country to form a brand new world.


russia military already totally useless, who still bother a few army or general.
russia almost 50% of generals & chief commanders already died or seriously injured, fight my foot, all these comie liars can only use fake communist source to con or brainwash morons here, all the total lied thread title to BS here, when truth out, these dogs never get 1 case right due to all their fake posts & threads, LOL LOL.



车臣总统卡德罗夫爆料“我们抓到一条试图从炼钢厂逃脱的西方大鱼,并将它作为开斋节的礼物送给伟大的渔夫弗拉基米尔·普京。仍然有很多西方鱼类,其中有 4 种非常大且非常重要的“鲨鱼”类。”


Captured mercenaries want to go home, but British response is heartbreaking


【頭條開講】烏克蘭悲嗆有叛徒!亞速鋼鐵廠被攻入!俄軍送普丁5/9大禮?亞速鋼鐵廠大魚落網?@頭條開講 20220505






(10-05-2022, 05:36 AM)kokee Wrote:  in victory day, putin can only blame the west, lies about his invasion, con or brainwash morons like china slavery, that is all all these rubbish nonsense can do, no fact & truth, no power & strength, totally hopeless & useless.

俄红场大阅兵,普京讲话干巴巴,气数将尽! 俄军的第二阶段战略目标,完败!

russia army, general & chief commanders already died >30000 now, why not showing all these 30000 death body in victory day? hahaaa.

this type of moronic dictator rubbish yet no jet, why? so scared & afraid of attack, that show putin & russia rea totally no confidence, worry of internal & external army now.
capture Ukraine tanks? or russia has no tanks at all to show now? almost 5000 russian tanks & tucks totally gone, no parts to manufacturing or repair or replace anything now, only wait to be slaughter in moscow now.

害怕被暗杀,普京不敢让空军参加莫斯科大阅兵! 俄军主要装备损失超过一半,战斗力难以为继!

20220509 普丁勝利日出大事? 空中閱兵取消、王牌坦克神隱…俄軍全毀在烏克蘭!




俄羅斯抓到大魚 被動局勢將翻轉 2022 0510

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(11-05-2022, 02:59 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

Alam Kok very sad to hear this news.  




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