Korean Won dips below 1,400 mark for 1st time in over 13 years after Fed's rate hike


(22-09-2022, 11:45 AM)kokee Wrote:  with all these US interest hike, the hardest hit will be china property price & market!!
If US stock adown another 20-30%, then china property will crash another 40-60% from here although currently ton already crash 40-60% from their top!!
plus RMB/CNH crash much harder from here although RMB already down 10-15% this yr till now, lost in stock & property buy foreign investors are double whammy!!

all these moronic comie dogs keep barking at other, why never bark their RMB/CNH!! LOL LOL!
CNH hit 7.10 today!! sibei swee!!
as above, the worst hit for strong USD & US interest hike will be china property price!!!
CNH will not stop here, someone say next stop is 7.20, coming soon!
even got people bark RMB to down 50% from here in 1-2 yrs time!! If global sanction china like russia, down 50% is nothing!!! just do it fearlessly together globally!!!



(22-09-2022, 12:32 PM)theold Wrote:  https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/202...36502.html
How come the whole monkey troupe of anti China forumers including sgbuffett never screamed hysterically S Korea's economy imminent danger of collapsing or even Japan's!? The Japanese yen is also crashing ...

Of course we have that unreliable garbage-in-the-mouth kokee who couldnt resist responding with his weak unconvincing fake information/data ... he's must be the greatest bozo in this forum who suffers from "verbal" diarrhoea! Die die also must spam - regardless of the topic he "siong siong" when sees the word China his reflex action is to attack - like a Spanish bull charging towards a red flag!
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(22-09-2022, 12:48 PM)sporeguy Wrote:  How come the whole monkey troupe of anti China forumers including sgbuffett never screamed hysterically S Korea's economy imminent danger of collapsing or even Japan's!? The Japanese yen is also crashing ...

Of course we have that unreliable garbage-in-the-mouth kokee who couldnt resist responding with his weak unconvincing fake information/data ... he's must be the greatest bozo in this forum who suffers from "verbal" diarrhoea! Die die also must spam - regardless of the topic he "siong siong"as he sees the word China his reflex action is to attack - like a Spanish bull charging towards a red flag!

https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/eWTxq7C0RzIAAAAM...ughter.gif

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