Kwasi Kwarteng’s secret meetings with Saudi oil firms revealed

Henry Dyer
Tue 11 Oct 2022 07.00 BST

The chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, held undisclosed meetings with senior executives of Saudi Arabian firms when he was the business secretary


Documents released using the Freedom of Information Act (FoI) show Kwarteng held undisclosed meetings with the chief executive of Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil producer; the chief executive of Sabic, the world’s fourth largest petrochemical company; and the chair of Alfanar Group, an industrial conglomerate.


Lucas criticised the lack of transparency and called for the meetings with Aramco and Sabic to be “fully and comprehensively” disclosed. She said: “If our then energy secretary, now chancellor, has failed to declare his meetings properly, how are we to believe that our climate policies have not been squandered, our energy security has not been compromised, and Saudi Arabia’s appalling human rights record has not been brushed under the carpet?”


The final sub-heading, “human rights”, has just four bullet points, one of which was redacted by the business department, which cited potential prejudice of UK-Saudi relations. The other three bullet points all stress positive developments in Saudi human rights, stating for example that “women’s rights continue to improve dramatically”.

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