
Finally a Pentagon top officer , Mark Milley, admitted that the Chinese balloon that flew over the United States in early 2023 was not a " spy balloon". It was a weather balloon that flew off course. Is this admission a shock to the naive you?

If yes, then for once admit you were a brain washed idiot; a victim of Western propaganda that had been lying to the world that China was the spying evil and the West was the angel. The admission by Mark Milley of the Pentagon  is a spit on many faces .

There is a message to the  world in all this.  Be very careful with what you read or hear of messages from the West. That is the least that you can do for yourself. Be on your guard at all times because there is evil out there and it spares no effort to enslave you through misinformation and disinformation.

The USA  believes in the Monroe doctrine and it will not tolerate the rise of any peer competitor. It will lie, steal and cheat towards achieving its selfish aim. Congress is occupied not by good doers for world peace  but by a pack of  wolves that will attack any victim that crosses its path. It selfishly perpetuates endless war around the world  as the  means towards its goals while  enriching  the military industrial complex of the USA.

There is a need for the world to revisit many geopolitical issues and reassess its conscience and  it can start with the war in Ukraine. Russia is not the aggressor but the victim of a greedy NATO led by the United States no matter what you hear from the main media. Zalensky can bay at the moon like a wolf  to rally support for all I care but it will not change the truth that  he is a western stooge . And the erstwhile British PM ,Boris Johnson, was Tonto to Joe Biden when he dashed the peace deal between Russia and Ukraine in April last year.

And how about the narrative about Huawei in the world of communication? Is there any truth that Huawei's devices have backdoor features even when none has been discovered. Isn't it clear that Washington had targeted Huawei with the sole intention of destroying it like it did against Alston and Toshiba because Huawei was rising to challenge America's position as the high tech world leader .

And there is more. America is after DJI the Chinese corporation that is the indisputable world leader in drone technology. It is after the core secrets of DJI's drones but it would not say it . Instead it is taking DJI to court for patent infringement and demanding that DJI surrenders its drone core software secrets in its defence even though it was manufacturing and selling the drones two years before the patent filing by any American firm . What a despicable tactic by the unprincipled America .

The list goes on and America's image is going from bad to worse. However in today's age of instant news thanks to social media the days of foolery by the  main media are over.

Attempts by governments to sanction the truth is getting harder . It is like the futile attempt of  "foolishly hiding the sky by using the proverbial sarong" or" it is impossible to wrap a fire with a piece of paper".

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