LHL: MPs against racism and xenophobia

Again Pinky is using the same tactic over and over. If you're against ceca, you're xenophobic and racist!


This is like a hot topic lately.

Is his FTs being beaten up or what?

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

A lot of accusations are coming from them. Is time these MIWs shd be removed before it turns worst.

its not abt racism, its abt jons..

pap is using racism to distract, distort the problem

PAP itself playing race card.

Last PE, they cannot find any suitable candidate so come out " Very long never have a Malay president so this PE only Malay candidate can contest "

EPIC, they nominated an Indian Muslim not 100 percent pure Malay.

In fact on the ground, the Malay community don't even give a dam which race is President.

Now come this CECA, they indirectly using local Indians as scape goat cover CECA issues.

[Image: Screenshot-20210916-145225.png]

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

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