New Zealand’s justice minister resigns after car crash, arrest

News posted at 11:44am yesterday morning by truebluesg under a rather obscure thread title.

Reposting news with better thread title and excerpts.

UPDATED JUL 24, 2023, 5:36 PM SGT

WELLINGTON – New Zealand Justice Minister Kiri Allan has resigned after being charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest.


Ms Allan returned a breath alcohol test over the legal limit but charges were not pressed in relation to that


Ms Allan becomes the fourth minister to leave Mr Hipkins’ Cabinet since March


In June, former transport and immigration minister Michael Wood was stood down after the discovery of conflicts of interest. His demotion followed the demise of Mr Stuart Nash, who was removed as economic development minister in March after it was revealed that he had disclosed confidential Cabinet decisions to donors. In May, Customs minister Meka Whaitiri quit Labour to join the tiny Maori Party.

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