Are domestic helpers underpaid in S’pore?

#ICYMI: Are domestic helpers underpaid in S’pore? S$1,000/month is fair for majority of people polled

“For one helper, S$500 might be too little for their experience — that’s fine, and they should skip the job. For another, that might be a window of opportunity to work in Singapore”

How much are you willing to pay?



They forgot to include that accommodation, food, clothes, daily necessities, SIM card and medical are fully covered

That is around $400 + $ 400 + $20 $10 +$10 + $70

= $910/ mth

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Domestic helpers stay with the family. Family outing go restaurants they follow, go food court they follow. All their food and lodgings are well provided for. Mobile phones also provided. They can keep all their pay earned per month. 500-600 net converted to their country's currency is a lot already.

However, MOM should be fair, depending on the size of the household

2 Children= pay $150 more

3 Children= pay $250

3 children and 1 Grand= pay $400 more

My own friend has a maid for 2 working adults, 3 children, 1 grandma, 2 dogs and 4 cars.

The maid sleep only 5 hours a day.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Adding another burden to inflation for employers

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

No one should work/employ as domestic worker.

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