Large majority say having a degree is still necessary to succeed in S'pore

Who was the joker who said degree is not becessary?

(17-10-2023, 10:57 AM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  Who was the joker who said degree is not becessary?

Yes, who, who?

Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!

Degree does not guarantee success, it only guarantee you a chance to compete.
Now you have influx of PRCs with multi Masters and PHDs .... locals need at least a Master to compete.
That's the reality in Asia, if one is too lazy to compete don't complain you cant get good jobs
Btw their Degrees, Masters & PHDs are not your berak ganges CECA sewage quality or fake or degree mills. These certs I saw many are from Tier 1 or 2 universities from around the world

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Tangsen's post

Those from ITE some end up with a SUSS Degree

After working for 25 years, still an executive

in NUS Admin Depart, small Chinatown legal firm . . .

Because they need 5 years to learn the basics and

another 20 years to learn to be an Eexcutive

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Most ITE Students learn by doing, not by concepts nor memory

Last time my ex-colleague 28 years old called Christopher. now should be 33 years old

was taught by my boss to just prepare and collate

all the accounting codes for expenses in excel

Travel related: 03- . . . . ( air tickets 015, fuel 006 . . . )

Phone related: 12- . . .

Internet related: 08- . . .

For us, 3 seconds to understand and 30 mins to do

But he took 2 weeks to understand after all 3 of us keep teaching him

and 2 months to complete

after which he curse and swear using vulgarities

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

(17-10-2023, 12:17 PM)Ola Wrote:  Most ITE Students learn by doing, not by concepts nor memory

Last time my ex-colleague 28 years old called Christopher. now should be 33 years old

was taught by my boss to just prepare and collate

all the accounting codes for expenses in excel

Travel related: 03-  . . . . ( air tickets 015, fuel 006 . . . )

Phone related: 12- . .  . 

Internet related: 08- . . .

For us, 3 seconds to understand and 30 mins to do

But he took 2 weeks to understand after all 3 of us keep teaching him

and 2 months to complete

after which he curse and swear using vulgarities

True. It's unfair that some peepur are born with a brain like 5354's and some with one like that Observer boy's.  Rotfl

You can use your brain to get a degree AND WORK FOR PEEPUR and earn an above average salary, or you can use it to work for yourself and earn even more.

If your IQ is not high, your life is set and set badly. First, we beat all the animals to get the best of what Mother Earth has to offer. After that, we compete among humans, and some win most lose. So 90% of us live in HDB while the other 10% live in various classes of private and freehols properties which is how this pans out. 

The Buddhist sexplanation is not very kind if you don't believe in such a thing as countless lifetimes.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

The govt didn't properly clarify whether a degree is needed or not.

What it means to say is that a degree is not needed if you don't qualify for a reasonably good university. Don't need to go take some useless degrees from third and fourth tiers unis in Australia or UK. They will not help you get good jobs.

If you qualify for a good university and want to work in a comfy salaried job, a degree will get you there faster.

I have no degree. Could not get into NUS.

After my NS I worked at fast food restaurant.
Nothing wong but it was a tough dead end job.

I quit and later on start an online business doing e commerce but dismantle it when covid came because  I could not meet customers to deliver.

For me having 3 meals a day and being able tk read learn and enrich myself with interesting knowledge is success. I have few physical possessions no car no condo and no club member ship ...but these things mean nothing to me so why would I spend time chasing them.

What ia wrong with our society is the way we define success in terms of material things how.much you have in the bank and what type of housing you live in. We perceive someone living in condo as more successful than someone living in 2 room flat.

To me all that is wrong and taught to us by way capitalistic western values.

To me a person is a good successful person if:
1. He us kind and generous to others.
2. He is humble and does not show off.
3. He has good morals and values.
4. He has empathy for others.
5. He tries to do things that benefit others and the society.

It does not matter to me whether he has money or no money what income he earns. A person who works as a nurse probably benefits other more than a banker.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(17-10-2023, 02:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I had no degree. Could not get jnto NUS.

After my NS I worked at fast food restaurant.
Nothing wong but it was a tough dead end job.

I quite and later on start an online business doing e commerce but dismantle it when covid came because  I could not meet customers to deliver.

For me having 3 meals a day and being able tk read learn and enrich myself with interesting knowledge is success. I have few physical possessions no car no condo and no club member ship ...but these things mean nothing to me so why would I spend time chasing them.

What ia wrong with our society is the way we define success in terms of material things how.much you have in the bank and what type of housing you live in. We perceive someone living in condo as more successful than someone living in 2 room flat.

To me all that is wrong and taught to us by way capitalistic western values.

To me a person is a good successful person if:
1. He us kind and generous to others.
2. He is humble and does not show off.
3. He has good morals and values.
4. He has empathy for others.
5. He tries to do things that benefit others and the society.

It does not matter to me whether he has money or no money what income he earns. A person who works as a nurse probably benefits other more than a banker.

- sounds like you're quite young from your work experience
- why rejected by nus? Did study hard? Din try ntu, smu, sit, ... or repeat?
- if change your mind-set and continue to work as a fast food boy, now sure be at least a branch manager, earning 6k/m?
- very luck to stay at parents' home, no need to buy own house and car, so can talk lots of 风凉话

most successful pple dont have a degree
1. sim wong hoo
2. alibaba jack ma
3. colonel sanders kfc

most pple defination of success is to get a chance to work like a dog with slightly above average salary that can afford him a car, condo and a few misc high ticket items..but that is not 'success'
anytime u lost the job
your whole 'lifestyle' will come crashing down..

I only know CECA die die must come here to

take a degree in SMU or MBA from NUS

so that it can cover their fake/ unrecognised/ unaccredited degree in India

So they end up destroying the job opportunities of locals

Just vote PAP OUT.

[Image: Study-at-NUS.gif]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

really ki lan
you apply or go for interview
they dont want to see cert meh?

(17-10-2023, 02:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I have no degree. Could not get into NUS.

After my NS I worked at fast food restaurant.
Nothing wong but it was a tough dead end job.

I quit and later on start an online business doing e commerce but dismantle it when covid came because  I could not meet customers to deliver.

A level exams are very easy to score. All are book based exams based assessments, just memorize what you've learned from books and write down the correct answers in exams to get As

Fast food services are simple manual work, endure for a few yrs and you'll becum the manager

Online sale is competitive but there are many success cases. My neighbour's dotter is an example.

Dont be myopic. 

Simple success Path is E-B-I .
Become an employee, make some hard earned $$$ first.
Start to do Business with the money you have earned.
Since you start to know about how business works, you will have some knowledge on choosing good investment.

In order to be successful, degree is only one of the factors but it still won’t guarantee you will be very successful even you got a good degree. There are still many areas you need to possess if possible.

The Chinese wisdom has given a comprehensive approach and already taught us.

[Image: IMG-0470.jpg]

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(17-10-2023, 05:30 PM)FartSunKing Wrote:  Now you hijacked/stole sgtalk from the previous owner

And use it to earn advertisement fees

But you no balls to admit you are the owner and admin of a stolen sgtalk

You also resort to trickery by inflating the number of visitors to this forum 

Go get yourself a job

Stop being a lazy scum

TO: Jac Lau

What right has a Foreign Trash like you tell other people what to do

when you are failure in life and jobless since 2004

never dated but buy a Viet prostitute 

Never do NS like a man with 45 BAD Characteristics

who knows nothing about right nor wrong , worse than a Prim 1 kid?

[Image: 9-30th-Bad-Characteristics.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Our NUS and NTU degree in the 80s and 90s are just emphaszing on memory and far from intelligence. Look at our Ministers like MP Chan and MP Josephine who are far from being intelligent and capable.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 

(17-10-2023, 02:31 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  most successful pple dont have a degree
1. sim wong hoo
2. alibaba jack ma
3. colonel sanders kfc

most pple defination of success is to get a chance to work like a dog with slightly above average salary that can afford him a car, condo and a few misc high ticket items..but that is not 'success'
anytime u lost the job
your whole 'lifestyle' will come crashing down..

So I guess you told your children dun study because they will become the next Bill Gates, Mark Suckabird, Jeff BoeySong …...

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

(17-10-2023, 02:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I have no degree. Could not get into NUS.

After my NS I worked at fast food restaurant.
Nothing wong but it was a tough dead end job.

I quit and later on start an online business doing e commerce but dismantle it when covid came because  I could not meet customers to deliver.

For me having 3 meals a day and being able tk read learn and enrich myself with interesting knowledge is success. I have few physical possessions no car no condo and no club member ship ...but these things mean nothing to me so why would I spend time chasing them.

What ia wrong with our society is the way we define success in terms of material things how.much you have in the bank and what type of housing you live in. We perceive someone living in condo as more successful than someone living in 2 room flat.

To me all that is wrong and taught to us by way capitalistic western values.

To me a person is a good successful person if:
1. He us kind and generous to others.
2. He is humble and does not show off.
3. He has good morals and values.
4. He has empathy for others.
5. He tries to do things that benefit others and the society.

It does not matter to me whether he has money or no money what income he earns. A person who works as a nurse probably benefits other more than a banker.

Actually it's not Western values. Since ancient times, success is already measured by what you have.

People will just gravitate towards things that let them achieve success. Now they see that most people who have degrees earn more than others so naturally they will move in that direction.

Nowadays, some influencers also earn quite a bit so you see many of our young having aspirations to become influencers.

We need to narrow the income gap of jobs across the board but how this could be achieved is something to ponder over.

Can understand majority thinking but reality is the job hierarchy is often
pyramid or at most vertical shape.
A inverted society does not exist in natural.

Govt must be careful not to devalue the value of degree
by control number of graduates and foreign import properly.
Current 42 per cent cohort participation rate is consider very high for a country not known to be
tech innovation center of the world.

To push ahead we will face wage depression like Taiwan.
Worst is after spending a big chunk of money, the low returns delay family, investment planning.
We must also study AI impact. Which it creates and what it destroy.
We must know that technology improve always means use less to achieve more, profits will then increase.

Now a days if you want a Stable wages , yearly bonus , increment EVEN global economics is bad you still have bonus , increment best part no need to worry been sack or retrench is join Public sectors , stat boards and best with Degree.

Entry level already have 3k++

BEST if you used to work in Private sector, let say you only just a manager with a degree
you go public sectors or stat boards apply as deptuy director you might get it " just BS around the HR "
one thing Public sectors , stat boards see you used to work in Private sector holding a manager post or higher they tend to hire u.

Another way is you straight go Public sectors, stat boards start from junior slowly go manager
than switch to another departments also in Public sector or stat boards apply as deputy director also they tend to hire u

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