Inside A White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine

The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion of Ukraine.... "Europeanization" of Ukraine is just a subterfuge for white supremacy and Aryan power.

This Militia plus all the Caucasian foreign fighters from the U.S. NATO "coalition of the willing" war veterans in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya now rushing in via Poland, now encouraged by the nordic Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Dutch, spells another World War with Fascism resurgence and Euro-Centrism

Yesterday's bombing of a Uktainian recruitment-transit military base near the border of Poland is a sign that this conflict is escalating.

Soon, the fascists from Yamato Japan and Kimchi Christian right-wing crusaders will join the NeoNazi Azov Battalion as antagonists vs. the Syrian fighters for Russia.

It will lead to World War III.

Do not trust American banks and financial institutions. They steal.

Sgbutt said that there is no Neo-Nazi in Ukraine wor!

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