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Law Minister K Shanmugan : "Criminal Justice System"

Criminal justice system

If you look at a systemic level, at the highest level, you talk about "the criminal justice system".

We have the police who investigate in accordance with the legal framework for police investigations. The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) makes the charging decision based on (1) available evidence; and (2) public interest. The trial courts consider the sufficiency of the evidence and the legal issues. The appellate courts review the decision of the trial court..

This case shows that the criminal justice system as a whole works."

Home Affairs and Law Minister
K. Shanmugam
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Theoretically correct only.
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Criminal Justice System works?

Then pray tell what happened to Karl Liew's perjury case over the false accusation of Parti Liyani stealing from him and his father Liew Mun Leong's household?
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(30-01-2023, 04:29 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Theoretically correct only.

"Singapore criminal justice system is anchored by four fundamental principles:
(1) the laws and criminal process must protect society from crime and uphold law and order;

(2) due process and the rule of law must be observed and sentences must be commensurate with the culpability of the offender and seriousness of the offence.

(3) our enforcement agencies must be empowered to discharge their duties; and

(4) quite importantly, offenders must be given the opportunity to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society."

Law Minister K Shanmugan"

(30-01-2023, 04:31 PM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  Criminal Justice System works?

Then pray tell what happened to Karl Liew's perjury case over the false accusation of Parti Liyani stealing from him and his father Liew Mun Leong's household?

"In other cases..

"Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, speaking to Singapore reporters in Davos, Switzerland, this morning, said: 'Whoever he is, whichever position he occupies, we will pursue the matter and settle it one way or another.'

'If he did wrong, he must be punished; if he did nothing wrong, he must be exonerated.'"

(30-01-2023, 04:29 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Theoretically correct only.

PM Lee says Singapore abides by International laws and The Rules of Law.

(30-01-2023, 04:37 PM)Scythian Wrote:  "In other cases..

"Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, speaking to Singapore reporters in Davos, Switzerland, this morning, said: 'Whoever he is, whichever position he occupies, we will pursue the matter and settle it one way or another.'

'If he did wrong, he must be punished; if he did nothing wrong, he must be exonerated.'"

Exonerated by the law got use in SG meh? 

Parti Liyani got exonerated by the law in SG. She still lost her livelihood working as a domestic maid in SG and will never be able to work in SG ever again. 

Doctor get accused falsely of molesting female patient, by the time he got exonerated his career and reputation already destroyed by state media blow by blow reportage of his charges and trial. SG society blindly assumes anybody get charged means he is 100% guilty. PAP controls the media reporting narrative coverage of all court cases be it civil or criminal in SG. Even if they can't kill someone with the law, they use state media also can accomplish the same if not even bigger damage to them and their livelihoods in SG.

Plenty of such examples, only a matter of if people bother to look and question what they read about the reportage in state media. 

SG is not ruled by law. It is ruled by Trial By Media more than anything else.

What criminal justice system?

Reported 6 KOM corrupted CEOs were issued a stern warnings is air dirty linen in public.
[+] 2 users Like Scythian's post

(30-01-2023, 05:06 PM)Scythian Wrote:  .
What criminal justice system?

Reported 6 KOM corrupted CEOs were issued a stern warnings is air dirty linen in public.

and WP lied 
get fined!

(30-01-2023, 05:21 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  and WP lied 
get fined!

In past 10-20 years (a very long time), Corruption has been rampant and had left unchecked in both Govt linked companies ie KOM and KFELs.

Extremely difficult to understand the logic

[Image: Equity-755x583.jpg]
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(30-01-2023, 04:31 PM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  Criminal Justice System works?

Then pray tell what happened to Karl Liew's perjury case over the false accusation of Parti Liyani stealing from him and his father Liew Mun Leong's household?

pls don't stirrrrrr case closed already.

they deserve a stern warning since it was the first time they committed the offence.

(30-01-2023, 07:01 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  pls don't stirrrrrr case closed already.

they deserve a stern warning since it was the first time they committed the offence.

I agree with your narrative.............. Clapping

"I say what I mean and mean what I say"

- PM Lee

(30-01-2023, 04:39 PM)Scythian Wrote:  .
PM Lee says Singapore abides by International laws and The Rules of Law.

Cotton Chan also said but do we see the Rule of Law?

[Image: CCS-Rule-of-Law.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Why not debate on corruption now??

"Billionaire Richard Branson gets invite to debate with Shanmugam following blog post criticising Singapore's death penalty and drug laws"

Branson TKO

After CPIB stern warnings

No more talkative

(30-01-2023, 06:30 PM)Scythian Wrote:  In past 10-20 years (a very long time), Corruption has been rampant and had left unchecked in both Govt linked companies ie KOM and KFELs.

Extremely difficult to understand the logic

father is third world to first world

nincompoop son is first world to third world

not very difficult for me 
cause you got to raise the correct question

does these corruption happened during lky as PM?

(30-01-2023, 04:26 PM)Scythian Wrote:  Criminal justice system

If you look at a systemic level, at the highest level, you talk about "the criminal justice system".

We have the police who investigate in accordance with the legal framework for police investigations. The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) makes the charging decision based on (1) available evidence; and (2) public interest. The trial courts consider the sufficiency of the evidence and the legal issues. The appellate courts review the decision of the trial court..

This case shows that the criminal justice system as a whole works."

Home Affairs and Law Minister
K. Shanmugam

The Law Minister said so lah! Big Grin

(30-01-2023, 06:35 PM)Obamao Wrote:

All crimes under Man's laws are sins under God's laws. However, all sins under God's laws are not necessarily crimes under Man's laws.  For eg, homosexual activities are sins, but for the longest time, lesbians got away with it under Man's law and now gays as well (S377a).

Looking at a woman with lust is a sin but the police is not going to handcuff any man for that if he does nothing that acts on the lust.  Is a woman wearing revealing or seductive clothes committing a crime?  If so, then Singapore alone has hundreds and hundreds of thousands of criminals.

Why the rule of law didn't apply to 6 KOM corrupted CEOs but sent 7 in KFELs corruption to jail?

How come?

(31-01-2023, 07:21 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  father is third world to first world

nincompoop son is first world to third world

not very difficult for me 
cause you got to raise the correct question

does these corruption happened during lky as PM?

In the case of 6 KOM corrupted CEO

Singapore practices The Law of The Jungle

I learn I Ching.
There is not such thing called Justice(正义) in nature.
Only Chivalrous.(侠义)


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

"While CPIB states that the matter is “complex and transnational”, involving multiple authorities and witnesses from several countries. Many have pointed out that KOM had already pleaded guilty to the offences in a plea agreement with the United States Department of Justice (DoJ).

Furthermore, one of the six was a DoJ’s prosecution witness who had testified against the other five.

Former Singtel CEO and former Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Lee Hsien Yang, commented that the decision not to prosecute will “cause more damage” to Singapore’s reputation than the reprehensible acts that were perpetrated and that it “stands in stark contrast” to Singapore’s widely touted policy of zero tolerance to corruption."

let make a simple comparison on drug crime and business dealing crime

both are business trying to make a profit

drug crime law are executed perfectly in singapore
all drug traffickers are hang according to the law no matter what class they came from
and no politician are involved in drug trading
let be clear on it

business dealing crime laws is where singapore fails
the politician is involved in it
i remember we or the PAP government  do have and provide tax payer money to help those business.

it is like PM LHL son is caught with illegal drug trafficking at the singapore custom
so will the laws be different for the PM son and escapes the death penalty ?

(31-01-2023, 08:12 PM)Oyk Wrote:  All crimes under Man's laws are sins under God's laws.  However, all sins under God's laws are not necessarily crimes under Man's laws.  For eg, homosexual activities are sins, but for the longest time, lesbians got away with it under Man's law and now gays as well (S377a).

Looking at a woman with lust is a sin but the police is not going to handcuff any man for that if he does nothing that acts on the lust.  Is a woman wearing revealing or seductive clothes committing a crime?  If so, then Singapore alone has hundreds and hundreds of thousands of criminals.


GOD here, GOD there, you not afraid GOD will rebuke you is it?

Don't use GOD's name frivolously, or I will have to come after you in GOD's name

(01-02-2023, 04:01 AM)grotesqueness Wrote:  let make a simple comparison on drug crime and business dealing crime

both are business trying to make a profit

drug crime law are executed perfectly in singapore
all drug traffickers are hang according to the law no matter what class they came from
and no politician are involved in drug trading

let be clear on it

business dealing crime laws is where singapore fails
the politician is involved in it
i remember we or the PAP government  do have and provide tax payer money to help those business.

it is like PM LHL son is caught with illegal drug trafficking at the singapore custom
so will the laws be different for the PM son and escapes the death penalty ?

Are you sure?

Mod, please take note or do you want the authorities to invite you for clarification about this member?

(31-01-2023, 07:21 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  father is third world to first world

nincompoop son is first world to third world

not very difficult for me 
cause you got to raise the correct question

does these corruption happened during lky as PM?

The Jewel is a 3rd world structure?  Terminal 4 is 3rd world?

Marina Bay is 3rd world.  Our wages are 3rd world, and Malaysians...hundred of thousands of them come here daily to earn 3rd world wages?

(01-02-2023, 10:14 AM)Oyk Wrote:  The Jewel is a 3rd world structure?  Terminal 4 is 3rd world?

Marina Bay is 3rd world.  Our wages are 3rd world, and Malaysians...hundred of thousands of them come here daily to earn 3rd world wages?

1st world structures unable to hide the fact of 3rd world mentality.
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