Lee Hsien Yang suggests possible breach of ministerial code over bungalow

(26-05-2023, 09:31 AM)Truebluesg Wrote:  sounds like conflict of interest to me! Rotfl

In PAP gov dictionary, conflict of interest means they are the boss, they can do anything, the people can only say 没有办法的...

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

(26-05-2023, 09:34 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote:  In PAP gov dictionary, conflict of interest means they are the boss, they can do anything, the people can only say 没有办法的...

this guy really a snake. if lky still around. sure chop head. shows how weak the pink emperor is.
[+] 2 users Like Truebluesg's post

(25-05-2023, 01:49 AM)Scythian Wrote:  "Lee Hsien Yang suggests possible breach of ministerial code over bungalow rentals
By The Online Citizen -May 22, 2023110
No need Yang to point it out.... SINGAPOREANs are big and large, knows their rights and are well- informed..... that is why that is a RELENTLESS PUBLIC OUTCRY.....

Even if the inquiry comes out with nothing, people will never ever be satisfied.
Vote these two snakes out!

CHAOS & Cityhantam are 2 sick CCP mother-fcuker bastards, who support Islamic radical Simplemen, aka Imran, who has been belittling Chinese, juz because their mothers like farking Hamas dogs


Teh Cheang Wan case: No way a minister can avoid investigations
This jaw-dropping speech revealed then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's zero tolerance of corruption. He kicks off the parliamentary session by reading out a suicide note addressed to him, written by the Minister for National Development Teh Cheang Wan, who had died suddenly a month before. Mr Lee goes on to reveal for the first time that Teh was being investigated for accepting bribes.
[+] 1 user Likes hansamu's post

(26-05-2023, 09:32 AM)Truebluesg Wrote:  Obvious conflict of interest lah! Someone behaving like they are above the law here

SINGAPORE — The colonial bungalows at 26 and 31 Ridout Road are at the heart of a brewing controversy involving two key Singaporean Ministers – the Minister for Home Affairs and Law, K Shanmugam, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan.

Questions and allegations raised by Kenneth Jeyaretnam, the Secretary-General of the Reform Party, have sparked wide public discussion amongst the Singapore populace.

In response to media queries, the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) issued a press release on 12 May, stating that the rental agreements for the properties at No. 26 and No. 31 Ridout Road were conducted in accordance with relevant SLA procedures.

The SLA also announced that more details would be provided during the next Parliamentary session in July 2023.

Confirmation from the SLA and the subsequent public outcry have raised concerns amongst parliamentarians. Both the ruling party and opposition MPs have filed questions to be addressed in the July parliamentary session.

The Workers’ Party has also requested the SLA to provide additional information, including the guide rent for the properties, to ensure a comprehensive debate in Parliament.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang, son of late founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and brother to current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, chimed in on the issue via his Facebook account, alleging possible breaches of the Ministerial Code of Conduct that was issued to the Parliament in 2005.

The allegations centre around potential conflicts of interest. Mr Lee Hsien Yang stated in his Monday Facebook post, “Regardless of approval or SLA procedures, there are serious conflicts of interest.”

He pointed out that a senior minister had been able to rent a vast property from an agency under his control, suggesting a possible breach of Section 3.1 of the Code, which states that a minister must avoid “any actual or apparent conflict of interest between his office and his private financial interests.”

Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s comments underscored concerns over potential conflicts of interest, given that the minister appoints the chief executive of the Singapore Land Authority (SLA), who is also his landlord.

Mr Lee Hsien Yang also questioned who authorized the cutting down of several old trees and the extensive renovations carried out on the properties, as well as who bore the costs.

According to Urban Redevelopment Authority records, the SLA was named the developer for restoration work at 26 Ridout Road, where the Minister for Law resides.

Echoing Mr Lee Hsien Yang’s concerns, People’s Voice leader Lim Tean described the leasing agreement as “ownself rent ownself”.

He highlighted the problematic nature of two government officials renting properties owned by the government. His comments implied reference to Section 4.3 of the Code, which stipulates that a minister should not “direct or request a civil servant to do anything or perform any function that may conflict with the Singapore Civil Service’s core values of incorruptibility, impartiality, integrity and honesty.”

Furthermore, if the housing arrangements were made under preferential conditions due to their ministerial positions, this might infringe on Sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the Code.

These clauses caution against ministers accepting gifts or favours that might place them under an obligation conflicting with their public duties or appear to do so.

The press release from SLA is somewhat problematic as it discloses that Mr Shanmugam had reportedly communicated with a senior cabinet member about his bid.

This information suggests that the Minister may have contributed to the released press statement, as the agency wouldn’t typically be privy to such communication between the two in a standard bidding process. Moreover, the promise to reveal more details in July raises questions about whether the Minister has informed SLA that he will address this matter on its behalf in Parliament.

If the above is the case, the Minister’s influence over the agency seems apparent, muddying his bid for the Ridout property.

Without more detailed information about the nature of the leasing agreements and any benefits the ministers may have received due to their positions, it is difficult to definitively state whether there has been a breach of the code.

The forthcoming parliamentary debate will provide an opportunity to bring more facts to light and to discuss the allegations in further detail.

" The press release from SLA is somewhat problematic as it discloses that Mr Shanmugam had reportedly communicated with a senior cabinet member about his bid.

This information suggests that the Minister may have contributed to the released press statement, as the agency wouldn’t typically be privy to such communication between the two in a standard bidding process. Moreover, the promise to reveal more details in July raises questions about whether the Minister has informed SLA that he will address this matter on its behalf in Parliament.

If the above is the case, the Minister’s influence over the agency seems apparent, muddying his bid for the Ridout property. "----

Question is...:

1) Why did Shan need to inform a 'senior cabinet minister' about his bid? To let the 'senior cabinet minister' check or advise whether got conflict of interest? It will be publicly perceived that Shan trying to tell this mystery senior cabinet minister of his intention to 'chope' the property for his own personal interest, which leads to the next question...

2) Why was SLA also aware of this 'notification' of his bid? Doesn't this result in both ministers exerting their influence to create more conflict of interest?

If the ministers are sincere with full integrity, shouldn't they choose to bid in their own private capacity as a private citizen discreetly without informing any Gov persons, agencies or anyone for that matter?

(26-05-2023, 09:48 AM)hansamu Wrote:  leekuanyew
Teh Cheang Wan case: No way a minister can avoid investigations
This jaw-dropping speech revealed then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's zero tolerance of corruption. He kicks off the parliamentary session by reading out a suicide note addressed to him, written by the Minister for National Development Teh Cheang Wan, who had died suddenly a month before. Mr Lee goes on to reveal for the first time that Teh was being investigated for accepting bribes.

That happened when late LKY was Singapore PM.
He called for CPIB to investigate.

(26-05-2023, 09:11 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  let's wait for Teo C H review.

will be sweep under the carpet. clearly conflict of interest. ownself rent out to ownself??? be it cheap or market rate, .......

(25-05-2023, 04:01 PM)Obamao Wrote:  18/6/2017 Regarding Oxley

Lee Wei Ling criticised Law Minister K Shanmugam after he said that he does not have a conflict of interest over his role in a Ministerial Committee exploring options for the Oxley Road house where the late prime minister Lee Kuan Yew lived.

In a Facebook post on Sunday (18 June), the late Lee’s daughter said about Shanmugam, “We were once very good friends and each had helped the other a great deal.
Also Shan knows Pa’s real wish and concern as Pa consulted him when I invited Shan to Oxley.”

Can't she write "father"?

Pa here Pa there?  Still ten years old ah?

LKY was himself a Cambridge trained lawyer who didn't merely graduate with a law degree, but with a double first.  LKY needed to "consult" another lawyer over something which is not even a complicated commercial fraud or a murder case where the circumstances surrounding the alleged murder had many loopholes??? Wuyia bo?  

Who is going to believe that LKY needed to consult another lawyer just to say that the Singapore government can decide to not demolish 38OXR if there is a justification for them to not do so? Rolleyes



I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(26-05-2023, 10:03 AM)Scythian Wrote:  That happened when late LKY was Singapore PM.
He called for CPIB to investigate.

Who is the boos of CPIB?   Rolleyes

(26-05-2023, 10:24 AM)Rainforest Wrote:  https://uchify.com/ridout-road-gcbs/


""The press release from SLA is somewhat problematic as it discloses that Mr Shanmugam had reportedly communicated with a senior cabinet member about his bid.""

whois the senior cabinet minister Shan reported on his deal?? why the senior never warn  Shan this is conflict of interest as he is head of SLA, cannot ownself rent to ownself???

(26-05-2023, 10:52 AM)kc172021 Wrote:  ""The press release from SLA is somewhat problematic as it discloses that Mr Shanmugam had reportedly communicated with a senior cabinet member about his bid.""

whois the senior cabinet minister Shan reported on his deal?? why the senior never warn  Shan this is conflict of interest as he is head of SLA, cannot ownself rent to ownself???

Communicate about what leh?

He is ownself the Minister of LAW ok, and also SLA is under his ministerial perview

Dun tell me he is ignorant of the LAW, then I worry

(26-05-2023, 10:21 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Can't she write "father"?

Pa here Pa there?  Still ten years old ah?

LKY was himself a Cambridge trained lawyer who didn't merely graduate with a law degree, but with a double first.  LKY needed to "consult" another lawyer over something which is not even a complicated commercial fraud or a murder case where the circumstances surrounding the alleged murder had many loopholes???  Wuyia bo?  

Who is going to believe that LKY needed to consult another lawyer just to say that the Singapore government can decide to not demolish 38OXR if there is a justification for them to not do so? Rolleyes


Why Shan required to rent such a huge areas for?

What are the benefits?

Is SLA loosing $$$ or making $$$ from it?

(26-05-2023, 10:21 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Can't she write "father"?

Pa here Pa there?  Still ten years old ah?

LKY was himself a Cambridge trained lawyer who didn't merely graduate with a law degree, but with a double first.  LKY needed to "consult" another lawyer over something which is not even a complicated commercial fraud or a murder case where the circumstances surrounding the alleged murder had many loopholes???  Wuyia bo?  

Who is going to believe that LKY needed to consult another lawyer just to say that the Singapore government can decide to not demolish 38OXR if there is a justification for them to not do so? Rolleyes

I think the whole idea of LKY was to make sure as many people in power and also in the public domain knew of his wishes to demolish 38 Oxley Road. Shan was one of those insurance options. 

Unfortunately it seems after he died, all but his public interview statement where he explicitly said he wanted his home demolished went back on his wishes and legitimised his oldest son's selfish desire to keep 38 Oxley to make into a future shrine for eternal PAP political capital. Same thing with the whole Founders Memorial bullshit also.


milk till dry.

(27-05-2023, 06:17 AM)Basic_Strategy Wrote:  I think the whole idea of LKY was to make sure as many people in power and also in the public domain knew of his wishes to demolish 38 Oxley Road. Shan was one of those insurance options. 

Unfortunately it seems after he died, all but his public interview statement where he explicitly said he wanted his home demolished went back on his wishes and legitimised his oldest son's selfish desire to keep 38 Oxley to make into a future shrine for eternal PAP political capital. Same thing with the whole Founders Memorial bullshit also.

PAP's eternal political capital?  Oxley Road, so small a building?

No man.

PAP's eternal political capital is the whole of Singapore from Jurong West to Jewel@ Changi, from Woodlands to the CBD.

LKY might have said that he wanted his house demolished after his death but in in a second portion of his WILL, he also stated that the government has the right to conserve it if it deems it right. In law, the WILL is final.

In short, there was no abuse of power as alleged by his siblings or anyone else when LHL exercised his power according to the second portion of LKY's will.  LKY had explicitly acknowledged that the government can do what it deems right.

Peepur can say that the government did not grant LKY what he wished for.  They'd cry "LKY did so much for Singapore and he only wanted to demolish a house, and further, it was his own house and no somebody else's, why can we just do as he wanted?"  This is the playing up emotions.

Same with the Ridout houses.  The ministers did nothing wrong, but emotions were being played up in all forums. "Wow! what a big house! They must have been given a huge discount!"  Stir envy and jealousy.  Cast aspersions.

Dr Chee Soon Juan used to say "No gutter polities, please".  This is what the 39% are now engaging in right.

What does 38OXR stand for
It no longer stands for what the government had wanted originally...to be a reminder of where Singapore's blueprint came from, the many meetings held among the Old Guards at the basement.

It now stands for the disputes between LKY's chewren, which extended to his grandchewren, and to Kwa Kim Li, a niece of Mrs LKY being sued and fined. of his son and DIL lying under oath and a grandson saying that the legal system he, LKY, set up was pliant.

I personally would believe LHL.  It does not mean that he is dishonourable just because Wei Ling said so.  Who is she to say that?  The rest of us who are voters need not agree with her.

He love properties, anything has to do bungalow, his name will appear
Don't believe me, just google his name all properties name came up

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