Yesterday, 09:57 PM
Quote:83,000 (est.) of 382,000 PMETs' growth native S'poreans?
Quote:63% of 382,000 PMETs jobs growth, from 2014 to 2024. were local born citizens = 240,660 (63% x 382,000) less 127, 333 (1 in 3 non-PMETs reclassified as PMETs) (382,000 divided by 3) = 113 327, less about 30,000 born in Singapore not as citizens and subsequently became citizens in the workforce = 83,327
Quote:In the last decade, perhaps an estimated 30,000 born in Singapore not as citizens, who may subsequently have entered the workforce and became citizens, and counted as born in Singapore citizen workers
Quote:Since in the last 3 years, from 2022 to 2024 - about 87% of the employment growth to foreigners - not much of the balance resident employment growth may have gone to Singaporeans, as "resident" includes PRs. About 100,000 new PRs granted in the last 3 years. So, the above computed 83,327 born in Singapore as citizens' PMETs growth, may be mostly for the 7 years, from 2014 to 2021
Quote:As to the 38,000 employment pass and S-Pass growth in the last decade - what was the growth for work permit and other passes' PMETs?