Living in China vs Living in America - This is truly shocking...

[+] 1 user Likes lvlrsSTI's post

all these blardy commie liars in this forum, why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good, lick ccp balls till so ugly here, spam BS & fake so much yet do not want to lose their freedom & human right, why dont bring their children back to brainwash till like slavery?
below 2 photos are norm, those in poor mountain villages much worse than these, few 100 millions of china people. the wealth gap of china probably is the largest in the world.
why most china rich & top leaders, their family & wealth keep oversea? if they are in china then they will live worse than dog under controlled & ransom? but can they still live this way after this yr? china so good, worthwhile to all go back lah, hahaa.



[Image: 731487c8-3b43-43fb-93f2-2e9706f1d641.jpg]

[Image: c12ca28e-2d8b-4680-80a7-1267003525e4.jpg]
[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

Every country will have their rich and poor side. You take a photo from a poor mountain villages in China, someone can post an equally poor photo of a small remote town in the US..

As for "why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good" while other find China now so good, my take is those who are not going back is because they got money and scared CCP chong gong their money. Also, the source of the money is questionable. If anything happened to them in China, their children still get to enjoy the money.

The same apply in Singapore, the average Singaporean find cost is getting unmanageable and curse and swear, but you also have rich people (could be the very same people which fit the profile "why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good") finding Singapore a 'safe' place to settle down.

At the end of the day, if the local curse and swear, so what if outsider say your country is good.. It is still a failure..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
[+] 1 user Likes ArielCasper's post

(04-01-2022, 10:28 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Every country will have their rich and poor side. You take a photo from a poor mountain villages in China, someone can post an equally poor photo of a small remote town in the US..

As for "why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good" while other find China now so good, my take is those who are not going back is because they got money and scared CCP chong gong their money. Also, the source of the money is questionable. If anything happened to them in China, their children still get to enjoy the money.

The same apply in Singapore, the average Singaporean find cost is getting unmanageable and curse and swear, but you also have rich people (could be the very same people which fit the profile "why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good") finding Singapore a 'safe' place to settle down.

At the end of the day, if the local curse and swear, so what if outsider say your country is good.. It is still a failure..
I can see your point of view, it is dangerous to be extra wealthy in China, cos you don't know what the CCP can do to the country.  It is safer to have wealth in Singapore, and lived here, cos our govt. is more stable and accountable... Clapping

(03-01-2022, 01:04 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  

they're too contrasting. it's unbelievable.

(03-01-2022, 01:42 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these blardy commie liars in this forum, why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good, lick ccp balls till so ugly here, spam BS & fake so much yet do not want to lose their freedom & human right, why dont bring their children back to brainwash till like slavery?
below 2 photos are norm, those in poor mountain villages much worse than these, few 100 millions of china people. the wealth gap of china probably is the largest in the world.
why most china rich & top leaders, their family & wealth keep oversea? if they are in china then they will live worse than dog under controlled & ransom? but can they still live this way after this yr? china so good, worthwhile to all go back lah, hahaa.



[Image: 731487c8-3b43-43fb-93f2-2e9706f1d641.jpg]

[Image: c12ca28e-2d8b-4680-80a7-1267003525e4.jpg]

I did a FACT CHECK on those images.

Found they are from a 2015 Global TIme article about problem of plastic recycling industry in China.

Then in 2017 China decided to ban importing of plastic waste from other countries. That created a major headache for developed countries like UK and Canada trying to export their waste... Some of such waste plastics you see in those photos ended up send to Malaysia,,

[Image: 42452_2021_4234_Fig5_HTML.png]

We've got friendly neighbours? Grow up! - LKY 2011

(04-01-2022, 12:25 PM)kokee Wrote:  HK people can afford to migrate, migrated, real hero fight for their belief in HK, jailed. left old & poor HK people stay back to suffer their communist life eventually.
many HK people on their way to run road before they cant even run like china people today. many rich china want to migrate but ccp want all their wealth before they leave. slavery.
for their children future instead of stay back to kena brainwash, dump their property & go, UK, canada, malaysia, australia or spore.





mooronic communist source compared living in china & US, but today almost all rich in china want to migrate & their 1st choice is US, what a joke.

most rich & top leaders of china, their family members & asset almost all in US, why? US living is like heaven to them compared to china.

only brainless here brainwash by all these moronic communist lies & twisted nonsense.

the 2 photos above is just example, today in china there are much worse condition than that environment, aplenty, google yourselves.



(04-01-2022, 12:32 PM)kokee Wrote:  mooronic communist source compared living in china & US, but today almost all rich in china want to migrate & their 1st choice is US, what a joke.
most rich & top leaders of china, their family members & asset almost all in US, why? US living is like heaven to them compared to china.
only brainless here brainwash by all these moronic communist lies & twisted nonsense.
the 2 photos above is just example, today in china there are much worse condition than that environment, aplenty, google yourselves.

"most rich & top leaders of china, their family members & asset almost all in US, why? US living is like heaven to them compared to china."

I don't think this is true.. If they are the most rich&top leaders of China, living in China is like a heaven since you have all the power and connection.

What is uncertain, is what your happen to your riches and power once another big boss take over..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

aiya with lots of money anywhere aso can run to. fb, dyson, haidilao, ...

(04-01-2022, 10:28 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Every country will have their rich and poor side. You take a photo from a poor mountain villages in China, someone can post an equally poor photo of a small remote town in the US..

As for "why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good" while other find China now so good, my take is those who are not going back is because they got money and scared CCP chong gong their money. Also, the source of the money is questionable. If anything happened to them in China, their children still get to enjoy the money.

The same apply in Singapore, the average Singaporean find cost is getting unmanageable and curse and swear, but you also have rich people (could be the very same people which fit the profile "why none of them want to go back to their beloved ccp china if so good") finding Singapore a 'safe' place to settle down.

At the end of the day, if the local curse and swear, so what if outsider say your country is good.. It is still a failure..

The video is trying to show the differences between cities of China and the US. While China has built world class brand new cities with great infrastructure the cities in the US are very old with poorly maintained airports, highways, subways and other infrastructure. It is like old world vs new world, people used to call America the new world comparing to Europe, not anymore, the US is now an old world and China is the new world….I have been to San Francisco and New York before, everything is old and broken, even my heater (very old type) in my suite at Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia was broken, a Chinese engineer came the next day to get it fixed.

Homeless people is a big problem in the US, you see them in every big city and drug is another big problem…people walk like zombies after taking drugs, it is common to sell drugs in the streets…the US garment does nothing and cares nothing about ordinary people’s well-being there, it is a 100% capitalism, you are poor, it’s your own problem, you die your own business, dunt expect garment take care of you. Rolleyes

(04-01-2022, 03:21 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  The video is trying to show the differences between cities of China and the US. While China has built world class brand new cities with great infrastructure the cities in the US are very old with poorly maintained airports, highways, subways and other infrastructure. It is like old world vs new world, people used to call America the new world comparing to Europe, not anymore, the US is now an old world and China is the new world….I have been to San Francisco and New York before, everything is old and broken, even my heater (very old type) in my suite at Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia was broken, a Chinese engineer came the next day to get it fixed.

Homeless people is a big problem in the US, you see them in every big city and drug is another big problem…people walk like zombies after taking drugs, it is common to sell drugs in the streets…the US garment does nothing and cares nothing about ordinary people’s well-being there, it is a 100% capitalism, you are poor, it’s your own problem, you die your own business, dunt expect garment take care of you. Rolleyes

I think you are right to say all these things about US......they are degenerating ....... crying

(04-01-2022, 03:30 PM)debono Wrote:  I think you are right to say all these things about US......they are degenerating ....... crying

[Image: D9332-D10-2-CA6-4030-8-F38-32-D1301-D7-BB6.jpg]

(04-01-2022, 03:30 PM)debono Wrote:  I think you are right to say all these things about US......they are degenerating ....... crying

not many places you could see such zombies under the bright daylight  Laughing

[Image: Screenshot-20211206-122038-You-Tube.jpg]

(04-01-2022, 03:36 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  not many places you could see such zombies under the bright daylight  Laughing

I think you are referring to the famous Kensington district in Philadelphia. The homeless and drug problem has spread across much of US today accelerated by increasing income gap, post Wall St 2008 crash and now COVID.

We've got friendly neighbours? Grow up! - LKY 2011

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