Liz Truss to revive her political life with support in US

Ben Riley-Smith
Sat, 21 January 2023 at 12:00 am SGT


Ms Truss is likely to make many more trips across the pond this year, tapping into old congressional contacts and think tank allies.

Her tax-slashing economic agenda that imploded here in the autumn still chimes with Right-wing US circles, so the argument goes, meaning the defence of her principles she is said to be so keen to mount may be more easily done stateside.

“In many ways Liz’s natural political constituency is Reaganite centre-Right conservatives in the US - proper free market types,” one figure by Ms Truss’s side in Downing Street said, referencing the tax-cutting former US president Ronald Reagan.

“She feels great affinity to conservative economic thinking in the States - which is more classically conservative than here in Britain, given we’ve moved so far away from true blue economics here. Her arguments have more willing ears and minds in the US.”

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Assmerican stooge?

This time around she stays 4 days

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