How the IDF prepares their soldiers for the trip into Gaza and why they will win

The commanders just drill into the heads of the soldiers 
Of HAMAS murderous acts on October 7
The IDF military leaders keep showing them pictures, videos of how the HAMAS TERRORISTS murdered and butchered children, beheaded people, raped women and burned them alive, cut open women and took (unborn) children out of their stomachs and killed them. 
The Israeli government remind the soldiers of the Arabs and Palestinians’ ‘March of Hate', the march that is about "from the river to the sea" and what it means
It means to get rid of all of the 10 million Israelis , to put them on the sea.
It means total extermination if they don’t TOTALLY DESTROY the HAMAS network


Tampines & West Coast GRCs are there for the taking 

Excerpt from an ordinary Israel soldier

Q: What makes the IDF so strong?
A: We don't have any other choice.

In the Naruto series the head of the ninja village asked one of his soldiers:

“Do you know when a shinoby (a warrior ninja) is the strongest?”

”No” the soldier replied.

“When his life is being pushed against the the cliff, when he fights against the wall - this is where he would be at his strongest”

Well, that’s true.

We are half of all the Jews in the world, concentrated in one small piece of land, while being threatened from all our surrounding: from within, next to us and from over the oceans, all of them explicitly announcing exactly what they want to do to us, the moment they will catch us offguard.

We don’t have any other choice.

We are so small, that after a true loss in a war, it would take less than a day to finish here what Hitler started.

The IDF isn’t a regular army, to serve is not a ‘job’ that you do like being a waiter or working in the local market.

We have the biggest interest of serving in the army the best we can.

We barely get paid for mandatory service (1000 Shekels a month is a joke salary).

Nobody thanks us for our service in the middle of the streets.

And everyone has to serve and give their fair share (rich, poor)

The IDF is no ordinary army.

Tampines & West Coast GRCs are there for the taking 

Tampines & West Coast GRCs are there for the taking 

In the recent war, Israel does not seem to be superior.   


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