Look what the PAP made our beloved Singapore become

no thanks to foreign trash!

[Image: cp7t0Uz.png]

[+] 1 user Likes Alleggsinonebasket's post

keep pushing for higher tax , population and money. people now are crazy. lot of stress and crime.
[+] 1 user Likes jus4lucky's post

(25-10-2023, 11:11 PM)jus4lucky Wrote:  keep pushing for higher tax , population and money. people now are crazy. lot of stress and crime.

Even since LKY claim " Don't say Profit is a dirty words " slowly we are craze about money.

And worst come to this current PAP , is more craze about " profits "
[+] 2 users Like [[ForeverAlone]]'s post

It is right to pin the blame on PAP but it's not right to lay it on foreigners. There have always been foreigners, and it's always known that there're all kinds of personalities in foreigners. So how can we be expecting all of them to behave like the locals? The expectation is not realistic.

It is the govt's fault for allowing a large number to come in even though our infra cannot take it and it will affect our social cohesion. They do it so as to pump up the gdp artificially.

Spore has become a much worse place to live in. During lunch hours it's crowded everywhere and there's very little hope of finding seats immediately if you go during the peak hours. Flats are now being built so close to one another that one flat with a good view will soon find that the view is soon blocked by another flat.

People are getting frustrated unconsciously, hence they slowly developed bad habits that we see in highly densed cities like HK. Now their mentality is that since people dun treat me well why should I be nice to them? Sense of entitlement is at sky high. But the current govt dun care about these social costs. All they care about is fattening the coffers so that in the next election they can use the money to dangle carrots and remain in power.
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

(25-10-2023, 11:31 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  It is right to pin the blame on PAP but it's not right to lay it on foreigners. There have always been foreigners, and it's always known that there're all kinds of personalities in foreigners. So how can we be expecting all of them to behave like the locals? The expectation is not realistic.

It is the govt's fault for allowing a large number to come in even though our infra cannot take it and it will affect our social cohesion. They do it so as to pump up the gdp artificially.

Spore has become a much worse place to live in. During lunch hours it's crowded everywhere and there's very little hope of finding seats immediately if you go during the peak hours. Flats are now being built so close to one another that one flat with a good view will soon find that the view is soon blocked by another flat.

People are getting frustrated unconsciously, hence they slowly developed bad habits that we see in highly densed cities like HK. Now their mentality is that since people dun treat me well why should I be nice to them? Sense of entitlement is at sky high. But the current govt dun care about these social costs. All they care about is fattening the coffers so that in the next election they can use the money to dangle carrots and remain in power.

Hor, wait PAP will tell u see HK also learn from them hor.

HK Governor just mention they going to relax rules come " foreigner talents ". They claim need to attract, grab " foreigner talents "

if you question , PAP will tell u see other countries also....

(25-10-2023, 11:41 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Hor, wait PAP will tell u see HK also learn from them hor.

HK Governor just mention they going to relax rules come " foreigner talents ". They claim need to attract, grab " foreigner talents "

if you question , PAP will tell u see other countries also....

That's the usual storyline to justify the mass importation of "foreign talents". And who can dispute this? No one. Throughout history, almost every  country/empire that aspires to make it big has done it through the use of good talents. Take the example of the Qin dynasty in China. Qin was a backward state, much looked upon by other more advanced Chinese states. But Qin Xiao Gong adopted the proposals from Shang Yang, who was from the state of Wei, and within a generation or two, transformed Qin into the strongest state. 

But we have to bear in mind that most of these foreign talents are being made use of to give suggestions in the governing of these countries, and not for the private sector. A good example is Albert Winsemius, who was a Dutch but was instrumental in driving Spore's national economic policies.

The problem with Spore is that local scholars are the governing elites. Upon graduation they will join the civil service and not seen how it works in the private sector. Then they go around and listen to the foreign talents who work in the private sector, and who obviously will suggest ideas for the benefits for their organizations, without regard to the overall well-being of the country. The scholars, being totally ignorant of whether the ideas are  feasible or not, will choose to adopt their ideas because of the big name of "foreign talents". Their Spore underlings in the civil service will all sing the same tune because it is not good to offend the bosses, who believe very strongly in listening to the foreigners.

So the scholarship system that may have worked in our favour in the past has now become the root cause of our downfall.

(26-10-2023, 12:13 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  That's the usual storyline to justify the mass importation of "foreign talents". And who can dispute this? No one. Throughout history, almost every  country/empire that aspires to make it big has done it through the use of good talents. Take the example of the Qin dynasty in China. Qin was a backward state, much looked upon by other more advanced Chinese states. But Qin Xiao Gong adopted the proposals from Shang Yang, who was from the state of Wei, and within a generation or two, transformed Qin into the strongest state. 

But we have to bear in mind that most of these foreign talents are being made use of to give suggestions in the governing of these countries, and not for the private sector. A good example is Albert Winsemius, who was a Dutch but was instrumental in driving Spore's national economic policies.

The problem with Spore is that local scholars are the governing elites. Upon graduation they will join the civil service and not seen how it works in the private sector. Then they go around and listen to the foreign talents who work in the private sector, and who obviously will suggest ideas for the benefits for their organizations, without regard to the overall well-being of the country. The scholars, being totally ignorant of whether the ideas are  feasible or not, will choose to adopt their ideas because of the big name of "foreign talents". Their Spore underlings in the civil service will all sing the same tune because it is not good to offend the bosses, who believe very strongly in listening to the foreigners.

So the scholarship system that may have worked in our favour in the past has now become the root cause of our downfall.

This is why I do mention the scholars don't even know what happen in REAL Life in Private sectors.

Look at Chan C S all along inside SAF , EPIC become Trade minister before now Education
the repeat of how Dr Eng and Teo , I do know the teacher union is not say happy when a so call SAF scholar take over as Education Minister as they don't even know in depth what is Education is all about...

The current Trade Minister , claim he work in " private sector " before if I not mistaken, as he is a Doc own a clinic ?
I don't know is that justify so call really know what happen in Private sectors since Doc professional is not tactically in line with economics.

Last time Goh use to work in Sem corp , well another Govt stat boards tactically speaking .....

I don't know , the cycle is always repeat , recently they going to push the ex SAF scholars into Politics as you see been assign in Public sectors.

You see the civil servants themselves every year entitle mid and year end bonus , yearly increment Despite economics is not good already show u

the Difference of working , mentally culture between Public sectors/ stat boards vs Private sectors.

they don't even have this word " retrenchment " in their dictonary thus the mentally of " inside their comfort zone " will never ever understand how Private sectors work in depth.

ya if the west is still intact after going after Russia.
IAM afraid cannot make it.
just look at Lawrence went for miinature modular nuclear plant without the knowledge of nuclear fuels affecting the full faith and credits of the United states Dola. Immediately KIV keep invoice.

all US and Isreal are feeding on the trough of the military and INdustrial complex
cannot call off Gaza gr. operations.
leading to Russian military chiefs briefing Putin on their readiness to launch their strategic nuclear forces.
for example Austin was board member of Raytheon

(25-10-2023, 10:51 PM)Alleggsinonebasket Wrote:  no thanks to foreign trash!

[Image: cp7t0Uz.png]


All the above crimes happen everywhere in the world and can be committed by the countries own citizens as well as foreigners. What's the use of blaming this and that?

If u focus on wrong values. The outcome cannot be right. That's all

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(26-10-2023, 07:43 AM)Rainforest Wrote:  If u focus on wrong values. The outcome cannot be right. That's all

There is no such thing called wrong values in real world, only bad values. Using words like Wrong values, is to find leeway for wrongdoing.

Human law is biased, it can change over time. Unlike law of nature, it won’t anyhow change.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(25-10-2023, 11:22 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Even since LKY claim " Don't say Profit is a dirty words " slowly we are craze about money.

And worst come to this current PAP , is more craze about " profits "
The mindset like money mongrels.

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