Just now I at star bucks sit down drink coffee , watch people

noticed Ang mo really got Good features, even those old ones botak also look cool.

(07-09-2023, 03:18 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  noticed Ang mo really got Good features, even those old ones botak also look cool.

Botak mostly gay...you got go and rub his botak head?

[[ForeverAlone]] dateline='[url=tel:1694071081' Wrote:  1694071081[/url]']
noticed Ang mo really got Good features, even those old ones botak also look cool.

U r drooling for a Ang mo bf?

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

Not say sour grapes I have to admit Ang mo got indeed got Good Facial features, this is why you see a lot Ang mo Supermodels.

1 到5 你为自己样貌打多少分?
tan yak chin 我打0 分

Wow. Long time nvr readily sit in Starbucks or coffee bean.

Now u mention. Maybe tomorrow go n have my favourite mocha latte tall at coffee bean.

Starbucks also nice.

You got chance to touch Tharman's botak head why never touch?


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