Ma Yi Long!
Honestly speaking this PRC like " mix " got ang mo look or he go " plastic surgery look like him ? "

(22-05-2022, 07:01 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:
Honestly speaking this PRC like " mix " got ang mo look or he go  " plastic surgery look like him ? "

Honestly speaking your video link cannot open..... Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(22-05-2022, 07:02 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Honestly speaking your video link cannot open..... Big Grin

because that owner want people watch from Youtube

Deepfake app uses Elon Musk’s face.

not sure , in China hardly any will look Ang mo

unless this fellow is mix either his dad or mum is Ang mo which yes a lot PRC folks married with Ang mo.

But from the way he speak I not sure is it he purposely one.

can't speak well in English ? even in Mandrian itself ??

Honestly speaking your video is unavailable Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(22-05-2022, 07:05 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Deepfake app uses Elon Musk’s face.

He got accept Elon Musk challenge leh , as Elon musk got tweet before , " Now a days a lot deepfake , fake stuffs, I would wish to meet him in person to check is it real "

This is one of the minority races of China :

[Image: v2-446400cb354248eb00baa5083d2c34d6_1440w.jpg]

(22-05-2022, 07:13 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  This is one of the minority races of China :

[Image: v2-446400cb354248eb00baa5083d2c34d6_1440w.jpg]

yea , a lot minority race in China another is Muslim state in China.
their look DO look a bit like Ang mo especially near Russia boarders ones.

but this Ma Yi Long , I don't know is really too alike
some ang mo claim is " deep fake " etc some claim perhaps really look alike?

just like that fake Kim and Trump who do look a bit like them.

but these two is not say dam look alike

but for this fellow label himself as Ma Yi Long , is really 90 percent look like Real Elon Musk

Got one Ang mo claim is Deep fake

lol I think Elon Musk knows is " deep fake " he do tweet, I want to meet this fellow no doubt now a lot " deep fake "

I feel Elon Musk troll this fellow

whereas this fellow impose Elon Musk Do mention, I accept Elon Musk invite I welcome him to meet me.

Both trolling Tongue

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