number of billionaires are throwing their weight behind Trump

A growing number of billionaires are throwing their weight behind Trump — criminal conviction be damned. Read the full story:

📷: Justin Lane/EPA

Once a billionaire is fixed with this precedent, the rest are next in line

Hey everyone, stumbled upon this thread and couldn't resist chiming in. It's pretty interesting to see how an increasing number of billionaires are rallying behind Trump, despite his ongoing legal challenges. If you're still curious about the details, I suggest taking a look at Trump mugshot—it's quite the conversation starter. For me, it highlights the intricate dynamics of politics and the powerful role that money plays in forging alliances. It's a vivid example of how diverse perspectives can be, especially among the affluent. What do you all think about this trend?

Smile My Idol Elon M also support him.

Because they want lower taxes

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Trump promised not to ban TikTok.

Pls vote him if you are American.

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