Malaysia chicken export ban: No word yet on when it will end, says Grace Fu

Malaysia chicken export ban: No word yet on when it will end, says Grace Fu

Still no chicken rice
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Indonesian abang heard already on their way to deliver
don't let this slip away. President has connection
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-03-07-36-43.png]
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(05-07-2022, 02:24 PM)Scythian Wrote:  Malaysia chicken export ban: No word yet on when it will end, says Grace Fu

Still no chicken rice

Hahaha. No half boiled eggs for breakfast

Why is it a concern?

Heard large chicken shipment coming..

Now chicken n duck $22 per bird

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

Grace Fu, please be patient..

(05-07-2022, 03:27 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Now chicken n duck $22 per bird

MPs kpkb

mother's in law demanding MPs to bring home


Just awakened W/O chicken after 57 years zzzzz

(05-07-2022, 02:24 PM)Scythian Wrote:  Malaysia chicken export ban: No word yet on when it will end, says Grace Fu

Still no chicken rice

No end no finish one lah!

(06-07-2022, 05:56 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  No end no finish one lah!

Clearly, Parliament missed Uber Eats chicken rice
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They now waiting for Amy Khor to see if her friend can stop sending her eggs but get those eggs hatched into birds to supplement the chicken supply. Please wait patiently.

Malaysian breeders call on gov. to reverse the ban b4 it too late

(06-07-2022, 04:46 PM)Sticw Wrote:  They now waiting for Amy Khor to see if her friend can stop sending her eggs but get those eggs hatched into birds to supplement the chicken supply. Please wait patiently.

In Parliament, now, all kpkb no fresh chicken

Looks like Malaysian chicken n duck already unban
Saw $18 per bird

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 
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(06-07-2022, 05:52 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Looks like Malaysian chicken n duck already unban
Saw $18 per bird

It's still in limited supply?

We should feel assured that our highly capable cabinet minister is monitoring Malaysia ayam supply to Sg

they cannot get what they want it will not end.
need to speed up alternative supply.
indoensia is good. thailand is good. cambodia why not.
sri lanka is a potential that can be considered. their country in oil
crisis. if we are able to help and get a secure food supply with
their land, man power, water, etc then
it is a good long term deal. also provide employment for her people.
win win.

(07-07-2022, 07:52 AM)Odessy Wrote:  We should feel assured that our highly capable cabinet minister is monitoring Malaysia ayam supply to Sg

Obviously, there's some sense of dissatisfaction expressed in KL over certain events  
Coincidently, Chicken banned could be linked to Johor Sultan conferring highest award to our PM Lee.

Since they are not happy, just give it back and chicken will come home.

(08-07-2022, 03:44 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Obviously, there's some sense of dissatisfaction expressed in KL over certain events  
Coincidently, Chicken banned could be linked to Johor Sultan conferring highest award to our PM Lee.

Since they are not happy, just give it back and chicken will come home.

Relations with Malaysia is important 

Relationship with Johor Sultan is very important

What the Malaysian chicken farmers suffer due to loss of high profit Singapore market is a plus plus for Indonesian chicken farms

And if explored properly, Mongolia is very strong in farm produce and mostly free range kampong chickens and other poultry due to its vast lands, can do contract farming between Sg Mongolia


It seems, war in Ukraine is affecting Malaysian chicken to lay less eggs.

They will work harder once the war stops.

(07-07-2022, 03:43 AM)Scythian Wrote:  It's still in limited supply?

Only few birds displayed

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(08-07-2022, 09:05 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Only few birds displayed

Displayed few show birds on catwalk - not for sale
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(08-07-2022, 09:19 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Displayed few show birds on catwalk - not for sale

See the price u already full

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(08-07-2022, 09:22 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  See the price u already full

Now, it's not value for $$$

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