Biden's military alliance is quarrelsome; China's economic circle is enlarging

5-eye alliance sacked away 2's to be 3-eye Aukus; robbing away French US$66 bil submarine contract. EU and NATO are not happy. France threatened to withdraw from NATO.  

China's 1b1r, Rcep, Shanghai Coop Group,BRIC and to include CPTPP and China-EU Trade Agreement, etc. Grouping and nations are increasing.  



Of course, some will say CPTPP controlled by Japan. Japan is hostile to China, sure will not allow China in. 

Is it so? Presently, Japan being the largest in the group of other small countries, they will be selling their products to Japan. What benefits do Japan get. With China in, Japan can take advantage of the biggest market in the world (China), to sell Japanese products to China. 

Will Japan be so stupid not to have this advantage? The same to Australia, now it's products are out of China's market. Obviously, with CPTPP, Aussie can sell to China again. Why should it reject? 


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