Malaysian also tease themselves

[Image: IMG-0652.jpg]

Malaysia is going down the toilet owing to its institutionalised racial discrimination. In 1957, the Chinese represented 37% while the Indians 11% of the total population. Fast forward to the present day, and the country has 20% Chinese and 6% Indians. Emigration and low birth rates are often blamed, but the actual reason is due to prejudice against minorities. The majority race lack the intellect, drive and business acumen to compete on a level-playing field with the minority races. Apart from the 6.5 million Chinese, there are former Malaysian Chinese that number more than 1 million whose parents and grandparents took their riches and skills to search for greener pastures in S'pore and the West. A staggering 2 million Malaysians have emigrated since Malaysia's independence. As long as racial discrimination continues in Malaysia, the brain drain will continue as university grads seek a better life for themselves and their families elsewhere. Malaysia will never be an economic threat to S'pore as the first and second tier of talents turn their backs on a racist govt that is shooting itself in the foot.

Bolehland had been a threat to SG since the beginning when the former though the island will "thirst" to death and pleading to return to the federation after kenna kick out in 1965
It still fascinates me how  this dynamic have flipped 180 with S$1 vs 3.5 Ringgit in a generation...
So I am surprised TS still believe need to pay 8 Ringgit in JB for a full breakfast in JB.

I hope [[ForeverAlone]] is not teasing himself. Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

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