Malaysian nurses look abroad for better wages
PETALING JAYA: Higher salaries are luring Malaysian nurses abroad.

A 30-year-old nurse, who wanted to be known only as Nadia, said she opted to take up a job in Saudi Arabia so that she could support her family.

“If I work in Malaysia, I would be earning a four-figure salary. I definitely cannot afford to provide financially for my family with that amount.

“But with my higher pay in Saudi Arabia, I can pay my family’s bills and help my siblings with their education,” said the Kuala Lumpur native who has been in the Middle East for two years now.

Another nurse from Penang who works in Singapore said the weaker ringgit against the Singapore dollar was one of the reasons she chose to work in the republic.

“I was able to pay for a down payment on my house by the age of 28,” said the nurse, who declined to be named.

Saudi Arabia and Singapore are some of the preferred destinations for Malaysian nurses.Malayan Nurses Union president Nor Hayati Abdul Rashid said better allowances and opportunities to further their studies attract nurses to work in Malaysia.


It is a difficult long hours not much recognition and less appreciation compared to other jobs example doctor 

But a near to iron rice bowl job which can be fulfilling to some

They are welcome to join x3 better paid jobs in SG. HA!

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