
情商不高的6大表现,你中了多少条? How many of the six signs of low emotional intellige... | TikTok

 Meta AI: The 6 common traits of people with low emotional intelligence (EQ):

1. 难以控制情绪 (Difficulty controlling emotions): They may have intense mood swings, and their emotions can shift quickly.

2. 不善于交流 (Poor communication skills): They may struggle to express themselves effectively, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.

3. 难以同情他人 (Difficulty empathizing with others): They may have trouble understanding and relating to others' perspectives and emotions.

4. 害怕改变 (Fear of change): They may resist adapting to new situations or challenges, preferring routine and predictability.

5.易怒 (Quick to anger): They may have a short temper and become easily irritated or aggressive.

1. 缺乏自觉 (Lack of self-awareness): They may struggle to recognize their own strengths, weaknesses, and emotions, making personal growth challenging.

Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in building strong relationships, achieving personal growth, and maintaining good mental health. Recognizing these traits can help individuals work on developing their EQ.

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