Kyoto to introduce empty home tax for vacation/unused homes to ease housing crunch

Casey Baseel 5 days ago


there are around 15,000 homes in the city with no regular resident, and it looks like their owners are going to have to start paying a special “empty home tax.” The tax doesn’t just target abandoned or completely unused detached houses, either, as people who own vacation homes in the city, including units in high-rise condominiums, will be required to pay the tax as well.


the standard homeowner/property taxes ...... must be paid in addition to the new empty home tax (i.e. owners of unoccupied homes would see their tax bill rise by about 50 percent).


its real goal isn’t to fill the city’s coffers, but to help with its housing crunch.


The hope is that the tax will encourage people who own homes in Kyoto that they’re not regularly using to reconsider whether they really want to hang on to them, with the assumption that at least some will decide to sell the property off so that someone else can move in full-time.

Good move, China and Singapore should follow.

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