Screen time linked to impaired brain function, may affect learning beyond childhood

Note that this article is more than a month old.

Ng Wei Kai
UPDATED FEB 5, 2023, 2:28 PM SGT

SINGAPORE - Excessive screen time for young children is linked to impaired brain function and may have detrimental effects that last beyond early childhood and impair future learning, a new study has shown.

The study of 506 children showed that infants who were exposed to more screen time had more “low-frequency” brain waves – a state that is correlated with lack of cognitive alertness.

As the duration of screen time they were exposed to increased, more altered brain activity and more cognitive deficits were measured in the children


Children with deficits in executive function often have difficulty controlling impulses or emotions, sustaining attention, following through multi-step instructions, and persisting in hard tasks.

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