Man paid for.$200 of durians but got cheated

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

So many ways of cheating sinkees.

Another way is after you have agreed on the opened durian, you have to watch carefully the packing of the durians. If you do not watch carefully, 1 or 2 sections are not opened and they just push the durians into the basket. Later when you are not around, they will take the durians from the baslet and open it, pack and sell them as packaged durian.

Another trick is after you have selected the opened durian, before they put into the plastic bag, they will make a switch and put into the plastic bag with a not so good durian.

Other tricks ….


Even when we buy from hawker stalls, how many times have we been cheated liow? Today's hawkers are different from yester years...they are bullies and cheaters too.

that is why ah seng and a few like combat etc are trusted sellers

now the new ways to trick people is group buys

they mix low grade MSW with other cultivars and say everything is MSW at a discount

(24-08-2021, 06:14 AM)keys Wrote:  that is why ah seng and a few like combat etc are trusted sellers

now the new ways to trick people is group buys

they mix low grade MSW with other cultivars and say everything is MSW at a discount

Those so called reputable durian sellers also cheat lah. They pack nicely into a box of about 500-600g of durian and sell u $40+ per packet for MSW. But if u buy a whole MSW durian the price is also about the same and there's definitely more than 500-600g of durian.
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Durian Sellers dont cheat earn think CEO dont cheat also? You think CFO dont cheat? All people cheat la.

(24-08-2021, 06:50 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  Durian Sellers dont cheat earn think CEO dont cheat also? You think CFO dont cheat? All people cheat la.
If you don’t mind sharing, did you play shares too much that’s why you landed into a 500k debt or you kena love scam? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

I kena before from Geylang durian sellers.
He out up big sign $5 per durian. When you ask he will switch you to $20 per durian

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Better dont buy durian if u dont know. Likely kanna cheated. I can tell u because i work at durian stall before.

Buy durian must buy at the durian stall.
Must make sure the durian you buy is what you want. Only goodu buy online.
MSW is a risk bet. IMHO, better dont buy MSW.
Chance of getting lousy MSW is very high.
因为名声太响, 赚到笑。

Buying packet durian must be careful.
Some of them may be yesterday leftover.
Just make sure you dont see too many water droplets on top of the durian. Dont let the Durian seller choose the durian for you if you dont know him at all.

Red Prawn is a safer bet.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Even hospital nurses in Malaisai also cheat. They “inject” you with covid vaccine, but did not push the plunger. So no vaccine goes into your body.

WTF. So all must look at the syringe during injection

#12 could durian king throw 40k flowers at ktv.

Durian sellers are so dishonest.

I wish to identify the stall but i cant find the name. Was Conned and Cheated of about $200plus (since i bought a few times).

knn can like dat count one meh?

if eat leow not nice u will still go back to the same stall?

anyway red prawn are cheap durian la. con u msw still make sense.

(24-08-2021, 07:41 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Buy durian must buy at the durian stall.
Must make sure the durian you buy is what you want. Only goodu buy online.
MSW is a risk bet. IMHO, better dont buy MSW.
Chance of getting lousy MSW is very high.
因为名声太响, 赚到笑。

Buying packet durian must be careful.
Some of them may be yesterday leftover.
Just make sure you dont see too many water droplets on top of the durian. Dont let the Durian seller choose the durian for you if you dont know him at all.

Red Prawn is a safer bet.

Red prawn is big seed? They will replace with D13 for u.

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