Hamas ambushes Israeli soldiers, kills 9, shows resistance still strong in Gaza


The ambush took place Tuesday in Shijaiyah, where troops searching a cluster of buildings lost communication with four soldiers who had come under fire, the military said. When the other soldiers launched a rescue operation, they were ambushed with heavy gunfire and explosives.

This is a known tactics employed by WW2 Japanese and maybe other countries too in warfare history. Kidnap a few of their enemy but don't kill yet as need them to 'lure' their rescuers to the ambush you prep in advance. IDF has women soldiers so you can imagine how urgent and hasty the rescuers would be to rescue their female compatriot. It is also one of these reasons why some countries do not deploy women to frontline unless out of no choice like male all die finish or incapitated aka wounded until seven seven eight eight.

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