Philippines: Chinese did not intend to harm Filipino coast guard,military personnel

There is no reason to interpret it as an armed attack because it was just the intention of China to prevent the resupply from being successful.

“They were armed with axe, knives, bolo. My question is, did you see any of them in the video using bolo, axe, knife against our soldiers? No. The only thing we saw from the videos was, these were the instruments used to cause damage to the boats used by our soldiers,” Tarriela pointed out.

China already claimed these islands during the Qing Dynasty

at that time, Philippines country still doesn't exist

Like that china haters still scold china for what? The "victim" already said no attack

Sgbutt got it wrong again. 😁

But the Philippines's Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces said otherwise in his social media. Who should we listen?

Quote:The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines accused China of behaving like pirates after members of China's coast guard aggressively clashed with Philippine vessels running a resupply mission on Monday, wielding bladed weapons.

"Only pirates do this," General Romeo Brawner Jr. said in a social media post regarding the recent actions of the Chinese coast guard. "Only pirates board, steal, and destroy ships, equipment, and belongings."


There ish a reason why people used to call pinoy land a cheekon land. Shout ish loud loud but Pinoy ish cheekon liao. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

菲鸡 chicken out, they know they cannot fight. So embarrassing

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