Mariupol mayor says Ukrainian city 'in the hands of the occupiers'

The main war is coming to an end.

"Not everything is in our power," said Mayor Vadym Boichenko, in a live television interview. "Unfortunately, we are in the hands of the occupiers today."

Kokee, true or not?

(28-03-2022, 05:47 PM)kokee Wrote:  基輔以北被包圍的俄軍已經斷糧斷水,向當地老百姓祈求要飯,應了我之前的話,俄軍就是一群武裝乞丐,帶槍的叫花子,丟人啊


this comie liar will lies forever in almost all his posts & threads but the truth today is russia already lost till pantless, russian army lack of food & weapons, already kneel down in Ukraine.

putin in hiding mode, if he wins war, he needs to hide> instead russia lost till pantless in this Ukraine war.
Russia lost, just withdraw army, ok liao> my foot, war fight till surrender>
russia almost has no more attacking power now, lack of weapons & food, army low morale, let see will NATO & US go all the way to demolish russia totally.
Russia is really super buay tahan liao.

Russia surrenders! The leader of the Russian army admits defeat, Putin is humiliated to face defeat



Kokee only got FAKE NEWS from Falun Gong Cult ah?


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