Two years on, what have we learned about lockdowns?

Two years on, what have we learned about lockdowns? – podcast

Over the past two years, countries around the world have shut down their societies in last-ditch efforts to contain the pandemic. Some, like China, have enforced strict lockdowns as part of a zero Covid strategy. Others have ordered people to stay at home to flatten the curve of infections and buy precious time. But since they first began, what have we learned about how well lockdowns work?Ian Sample speaks to epidemiologist Prof Adam Kucharski about the effectiveness of different approaches, and the lessons we should take forward.Archive: DW News, BBC News, Global News, France 24 Continue reading...

#Science #Coronavirus

Ask the 3 clowns
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Learnt dat Changi Airport infected ppl with Delta from SA  Big Grin

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

China Start and China ends.

how to wear the mask properly.

It was a hoax all along
we are at a point where there is a danger of the beans being spill
The acu-pressures applied by Putin the West make many mistakes
Their world melting like ice-cream they lung at him making things worse.
From afar it looks like a Sting operation. Now they say: Operation Z

not easy but singlon will try to discipher
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-24-16-13-29.png]

Q is the new President of the republic
with JFK Jr as VP
come April bom away all will be told

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