How come Assmerica threatens other countries non-stop?

Xi Jinping calls for cooperation, Biden warns of consequences in two-hour call
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Ken Rhee, The Korean Navy SEAL Fighting In Ukraine, Says The Situation.

There Is Very Grave And That Other Soldiers Have Withdrawn....

In Ukraine to serve as a volunteer soldier against the advice of the South Korean government, Korean YouTuber Ken Rhee has shared an update on the situation in the war-torn country.

At one point, there were online reports claiming that Ken had died while fighting in the war.

美國制裁俄羅斯被無視,印度爆買俄羅斯石油!|印俄改用「盧比盧布」兌換機制?|印度20年後GDP反超中國?|普遍主遍和特殊主義,如何左右美國全球性挑戰?【屈機小世界 EP39】
Modi also asks Sleepy Joe to fxxk off!

all these comie dogs lie inalmost all their thread title to con morons here 7/24.
whole world know what china is supporting invader Russia in all needs of Ukraine war, give a final warning, Xi also know russia lost the war & agree to support Ukraine & 2 days ago comie dogs here said china help Ukraine to rebuild. Comie here will bark china do allthe good things, all know they do all the opposite, most evil in the erath today.
all these liars, from ccp to comie dogs here lies after lies, say 1 thing do another, like agree everything in WTO but violate allthe rule & law. last night, agree with biden but continue to support russia. When china kena sanction, dont blame & complain.

明耍拜登 暗助普京 北京向莫斯科提供精良武器

3.18 【不要俄爹要美爹!】習近平與拜登通話後,宣佈要引領中美關係沿著正確軌道向前發展!


Super power. 
America only 240 years history. 
They just want to hold on to that number one position. 
Anyone threatening that position is like a thorn in their flesh.

(19-03-2022, 03:30 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these comie 

Kokee also threatens China?  Scream  Rotfl

Those old citizens might remember banana currency. Anyone saved millions?
Any value now?
Which country can print currency freely and got many buyers' support?

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