Men should be vaccinated against HPV too, say docs

Linette Lai
Health Correspondent
PUBLISHED DEC 25, 2021, 5:00 AM SGT

While the human papillomavirus (HPV) which can cause cancer can be prevented by vaccination, only women get this protection on a regular basis in Singapore.

A local group, the Alliance for Active Action Against HPV, is hoping to change this.


While the virus is most commonly linked to cervical cancer in women, it can also cause rare cancers like anal cancer and oropharyngeal cancer - a form of head and neck cancer.

Men with HPV also have a higher risk of developing cancer of the pe_nis, a rare malignancy.


doctors suspect case numbers are rising with changing attitudes towards casual sex, and they fear the numbers could hit "epidemic status" in the future.

This is because the virus takes time to manifest as a disease, meaning that today's cancer numbers represent a snapshot of behaviour up to 40 years ago.

Dr Lim Ming Yann, deputy head of Tan Tock Seng Hospital's otorhinolaryngology department, said: "It is important that as sexual practices and attitudes evolve, we monitor the situation closely so as not to be caught off guard by an epidemic 20 to 30 years later."


Since 2019, all Secondary 1 girls have been able to choose to take the vaccine for free.

But men do not have this option. This is because the incidence rate of HPV-related cancers in men is relatively low, noted Dr Lim.

Prof Chan suggested it is time the vaccine be made equally accessible to both genders. This is already done in some countries, including Australia.

Dr Lim said: "In the meantime, it is important to refrain from high-risk sexual behaviours and stay faithful to one sexual partner only. This would be the best advice I have for anyone."

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