Meng Wanzhou flying back to China, after striking deal with US over fraud charges

Whole case is a farce.


shd lure biden and trumpet to bj and detain them

The lawyers earn tonnes of $$$$$. Can retire already

8Umbrella Umbrella

The whole fiasco was a waste of time and taxpayers' money.

There really is no case from the US' perspective as nothing falls under their jurisdiction. The worst thing is that this so-called fraud did not result in any monetary loss for any party. The existence of the case gave a whole new meaning to the word "fraud" as it pertains to WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED rather than WHAT HAPPENED.
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wonder what the backroom deal was….tariff negotiations next?

What deal?

Please publish or lan lan deal LMAO

I believe she will sell all her assets in US, Canada and be a patriotic citizen of China. She and her father must be extremely grateful to xjp for his love of it's people

she was wrongfully punished not just for hw, she's a victim of anti china campaign
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These bludy angmo bullies know how to bully the weak meek

N they r clever cunning too ...they released this chinese lady at this time is not because they like it ..

They have no choice cos they want asian super power to buy their treasuries , bonds to keep their econony afloat...otherwise, all govt depts stopped , country paralysed, banks closure n richest country become a pauper overnite...pulling down the entire world.

So many people seem to support Meng here, but I think she is indeed guilty of violating sanctions. Whether you agree with the sanctions against Iran is another issue.

The other issue is that Meng is no Chinese patriot considering that she rather raise her family in Canada and keep Canada as an escape route, which backfired obviously.

。。。感谢 祖国


(25-09-2021, 02:12 PM)starbugs Wrote:  So many people seem to support Meng here, but I think she is indeed guilty of violating sanctions. Whether you agree with the sanctions against Iran is another issue.

The other issue is that Meng is no Chinese patriot considering that she rather raise her family in Canada and keep Canada as an escape route, which backfired obviously.

The point is that the case is not about her violating sanctions. The case is about her defrauding HSBC so that HSBC might violate US sanctions on Iran. Reason why the accusation is so indirect is because US sanctions are just US sanctions that are applied to US entities. Other countries may obey US due to fear of economic or other retaliations but there is no legal basis for US to force them to obey US sanctions. If it is a UN sanction (used to be until 2016 when it was lifted) then it is a different story but US decided to go its own way under Trump (although US did argue in 2020 that it is a UN sanction and not US sanction but the rest of the world disagreed in UN).

As one can see the case failed because it was tried as a fraud case. No fraud was committed as there is no victim and no loss of money. Any reasonable person will come to the conclusion that Meng should be let go.


I got a feeling she'd quite enjoy her stay in Canada all this while.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

孟晚舟终于回来了!详解孟晚舟事件的来龙去脉。同一时间康明凯和斯帕弗离开中国返回加拿大。Meng wanzhou of Huawei is back!

(25-09-2021, 03:24 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  I got a feeling she'd quite enjoy her stay in Canada all this while.

3 years of house arrest. Unable to see husband children parents etc. Unable to continue to help old father with the company, etc.

And, you can "enjoy"?

 You must be bian tai lor!
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