(20-02-2025, 06:55 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: https://www.businesstoday.in/visualstori...16-02-2025
"Purple Earth" hypothesis is gaining momentum in scientific community. Strange as it sounds, some scientists think earliest life forms on Earth may have painted our planet in shades of purple rather than green. This idea, known as the Purple Earth hypothesis, suggests single-celled organisms depended on a less complex molecule than chlorophyll to harness sunlight. NASA-supported work points to retinal as pivotal molecule lent these microbes a vivid
violet color. Concept
been investigated by astrobiologist Dr. Edward Schwieterman of U of California, Riverside & prof Shiladitya DasSarma of U of Maryland. Under
standing chlorophyll – basic schlorophyll is the green pigment makes plants, algae & some bacteria look so vibrant. More importantly, it’s the powerhouse behind photosynthesis – the process lets plants turn sunlight into energy. Without chlorophyll, life as we know it wouldn’t exist b'cos it’s first step in producing oxygen we breathe and the food we eat. This molecule absorbs light, mostly from blue & red spectrum, while reflecting green, which is why leaves look green. It’s packed into tiny structures inside plant cells called chloroplasts, where magic of photosynthesis happens. Early color from different molecule
While modern plants rely on chlorophyll, it may not have been Earth’s first choice for photosynthesis. Retinal is simpler & was likely present on Earth when atmospheric oxygen was scarce.
During that period, known for low oxygen and a hazy sky, scientists believe sunlight was still abundant enough to power these purple microbes. This scenario points to a very different Earth from the lush, leafy version we see now. Many of these primeval organisms fell under the archaea umbrella, a group that thrives in environments hostile to most other life. One notable example is often called halobacterium, a bright purple microbe that survives in salty spots like the Great Salt Lake.
Despite name, halobacterium is not a bacterium is an archaeon uses photosynthesis in a less common way. It absorbs green wavelengths through retinal and reflects red and blue, which produces its striking purple appearance.
How purple Earth turned green?
Overtime, other organisms evolved the more efficient pigment, chlorophyll, enabling them to harvest sunlight at stronger wavelengths. This shift eventually overshadowed the retinal-based approach and helped fuel the Great Oxygenation Event, when oxygen levels in our atmosphere rose dramatically. Retinal-based life did not disappear, but it was no longer the dominant force shaping the planet’s surface color. Chlorophyll-using organisms thrived, turning Earth’s general look from purple to green.
Searching for color
ful life
Astrobiologists suspect exoplanets might host creatures that still rely on retinal. “If the Purple Earth hypothesis was correct and there was a dominance of purple organisms in the early Earth, then we might be able to find another planet that’s at an earlier stage of evolution,” said DasSarma. Color signals from these far-off worlds could reveal whether simple purple life is out there. Early retinal-based photosynthesis might offer a stepping stone before more advanced pigments evolve.
Why Earth’s purple past matters
Purple Earth hypothesis remains unproven, yet it encourages new ways of thinking about our planet’s past & search for life beyond. If Earth’s earliest successful photosynthesizers truly glowed purple, then that color might reappear wherever organisms adopt retinal as their main solar sponge imaginative view highlights life’s capacity to adapt in surprising ways also urges us to look for signals we might otherwise miss if we focus only on what we see today.
This study is published in the journal Astrobiology.