Minister Wong : Reduce social activities next 2 weeks

All individuals in Singapore are being strongly urged to reduce non-essential social activities for the next two weeks, especially those who are old or living with elderly family members.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) on Monday (Sept 6) said social circles should be limited to a small group of regular contacts, and social gatherings should be limited to one a day, whether to another household or in a public place.

"All individuals, including both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, should also self-test regularly with antigen rapid tests (ARTs), especially if we participate in higher-risk activities or attend large-scale events," the MOH said.

"These ART kits are now sold at most supermarkets and convenience stores."

The latest advisory comes amid a spike in Covid-19 cases and the emergence of large clusters at bus interchanges, Bugis Junction and Changi General Hospital.

The number of new infection cases in the community has almost doubled to more than 1,200 cases last week, up from around 600 cases the week before.

Speaking during a doorstop interview on Monday, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force on the virus, said the new advisory is not mandatory and the previously announced measures are not being rolled back.

But he added: "The more we circulate, the more we are out and about, there is always a chance that those circulating around so much may inadvertently become the source of the next super spreader event."

"We're trying to ask people, please hold back, particularly during this period where there are so many cases and where the virus is spreading so quickly. Just scale back, cut back your social interactions, if possible."

Meanwhile, social gatherings at the workplace will not be allowed from Wednesday.

The MOH said recent clusters in workplace settings have emerged because of lax safe management measures, especially in areas like staff canteens and pantries where people tend to let their guard down and interact without their masks on.

Tougher action will be taken if there are positive cases amongst workers who are infected, the ministry said.

"In particular, employers will be required to put in place a maximum work-from-home (WFH) requirement over a 14-day period, should one or more of their workers be found to have contracted Covid-19 and have returned to their workplace.

"This means that everyone in the company who can WFH will be required to do so. Those who are working from home should minimise social gatherings and leave their homes only for essential activities during this 14-day period."

More details will be released by Manpower Ministry soon, the MOH added.

We are into endemic lah, I expect 10,000 cases per day, better dun count the cases now.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

Yar, sure!

Those old folks and young punks will not be bothered.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(07-09-2021, 07:14 AM)BigBossX Wrote:  All individuals in Singapore are being strongly urged to reduce non-essential social activities for the next two weeks, especially those who are old or living with elderly family members.

According to govt rules, we must meet in 5 persons gathering everyday.

which advice should we follow ?

This only mouth talk from minister Wong. If dun use the stick, you think people will kuai kuai follow? I am sure he can talk until cows come home, but these stubborns with masks on their chins will no hew....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

Dear Mr Lawrence

Going out is not so contagious esp when we walk at 5km or 7km/ hr. The MAIN problem is eating out together ie lunch. And worse when smokers smoke and puff out the air to other diners in the coffee shop, accelerated by people talking inside buses, polyclinics, NTUC FP . . .

"The more we circulate, the more we are out and about, there is always a chance that those circulating around so much may inadvertently become the source of the next super spreader event."

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Worse still are those who are not well don't go to see a doctor. Go office and spread to others. My friends's DIL caught covid from an office colleague who had runny nose and still went to the office. I think this round of infection spread will be very difficult to arrest.

tomorrow will be a better day

I sure those kena with less symptoms sure diam diam coz scare quarantined.

If smoker puff out smoke will spread Covid, how about those who walk passed a non-smoker still Kenna Covid leh??

Who is spreading, from where, when, what they did and, How.
If above info are not available it is just your imagination. Don’t like smoking ask the govt to ban it. I bet 100 % no mini stir will dare to motion it in the self declared first class pa li ment

(07-09-2021, 01:06 PM)cwc29 Wrote:  I sure those kena with less symptoms sure diam diam coz scare quarantined.

If jobless but still scared of quarantine, then something wrong.

Already everyday at home, kena quarantine so what?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Better ask 5354 ba we

(07-09-2021, 01:09 PM)Kgliangp Wrote:  If smoker puff out smoke will spread Covid, how about those who walk passed a non-smoker still Kenna Covid leh??

Who is spreading, from where,  when, what they did and, How.
If above info are not available it is just your imagination. Don’t like smoking ask the govt to ban it. I bet 100 % no mini stir will dare to motion it in the self declared first class pa li ment

If you observe- 

Smoker in coffee shop sit there for half an hour after food and TALK out loud without mask. Those walk past is only 1 second and do not talk out loud and have face masks on.

Why must wait for info to be available like useless PAP and say - Lack of Evidence when in actual fact, there is no evidence that vaccine may kill some people?

Even before they explained how the spread among bus-drivers occurred, I was already aware one day prior to the news on how they spread. You can check my comments.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

My observe could be due to dine in after Makan saw most still sit there tcss Machiam just released from Changi chalet

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