Misleading’: Drug giant Pfizer sued over Covid jab: You been misled and got your jab?

Lolololol at the "all drugs gotch side effects" mental gymnastics.... Tongue

Need some advice why provaxxers still haven't update latest mRNA jab since covid more dangerous than jabs lololololololol... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[Image: https://i.ibb.co/0hWSqby/wednesday-quote.jpg]

Need some advice? Tongue

GPGT latest mRNA jab to fight the evil covid doomsday black tongue white lung variants lolololol.... Tongue

This is NOT medical advice, this ish official MOH recommendations lololololololol.... Tongue

Anti-vaxxers should be jailed and caned lolololol... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[Image: https://i.ibb.co/0hWSqby/wednesday-quote.jpg]

All Guinea pigs taken for a rollercoaster ride

(19-06-2024, 01:09 PM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  It is such a bad testimony for a so-called Christian to talk like this. You should get down on your hands and knees to seek forgiveness. No wonder so many SG Talkers hate you. LOL! 
There are good and bad Christians. Other religions also hv good and bad rotten eggs.

(21-06-2024, 01:18 PM)Scythian Wrote:  Singapore conti..

" The Expert Committee has reviewed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine’s safety and efficacy data for different population segments in Singapore, and been briefed by HSA on its full range of considerations in granting interim authorisation, and is thus satisfied with its safety and efficacy.

 The vaccine demonstrated a high vaccine efficacy of 95%, and its safety profile is consistent with the high standards set for other registered vaccines used in the immunisation against other diseases
We agree with HSA’s recommendation for the suitability of its use in individuals aged 16 years and above in Singapore"
By looking at this declarations, or rather conclusions, it makes me feels like vomitting.

Aged care vaccinations 'disappointingly low' as COVID-19 cases climb
Sydney Morning Herald|5 days ago
calling COVID-19 vaccination rates among residents "disappointingly low". "The evidence is compelling that old age is the biggest risk to becoming seriously ill with COVID-19, and it is now ...
[+] 1 user Likes watchfirst9's post

Globally reporting an increasing number of people died for no cause or reasons after Covid19 pandemic.

Something isn't right

American taken legal action against Pfizer.

Despite many people having 2x and 3x vaccination yet, they still contracted Covid19 and hospitalised.

So, what's the use ?


(19-06-2024, 03:38 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  My 3 jabs all from Pfizer-Biontech nothing happened lah! Big Grin

Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death globally, and its largest 

Contributing factors are the terrible "three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).

Hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia 

Thry are becoming more prevalent in modern society, the incidence of these conditions is also trending towards younger age groups.

What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs?

Let me introduce a method that could reverse the three highs, even if one has suffered from them for many years!. This is a very important lesson!

心脑血管疾病已成为人类死亡的 “头号杀手”,而最大的病因,就是可怕的三高!

(19-06-2024, 10:15 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Pretty obvious from what you wrote that till nao, 19 June 2024 to be clear, you don't know what a vaccination is all about.

No one has ever said that if you are vaccinated, you will not get infected.

It is to help you develop a strong immunity to an infection.  Read this sentence again, and if you still don't understand, then read it again and again.  

What does strong immunity to an infection mean?  It means you ARE infected but have a strong immunity to the virus attack!  It does not mean that the virus cannot enter your arse just because you have been vaccinated.  It does not work like a yellow paper called a "charm" that you place at your front door and the evil spirits cannot enter.  That's not what a vaccine is about, and that applies to Sinovac as well!  

With or without vaccination, the chances of getting infected are the same.  What's different is our chances of dying from it.  Again. no one said that once vaccinated, you are bionic, you will not die from an infection.  Some peepur still succumb to it.  What is said is that you have a stronger immunity and greater chance for survival.  Are you following me?   Rolleyes

Must watch: This is the opening presentation by Dr David Martin on the origins of Covid in 1965 & Covid Vaccines in 1990! He speaks in front of the camera and on tv.

🇪🇺 European Parliament International Covid Summit III in Brussels on May 3, 2023. Hear and be shocked..!😯😧


(22-06-2024, 12:29 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Aged care vaccinations 'disappointingly low' as COVID-19 cases climb

Sydney Morning Herald|5 days ago
calling COVID-19 vaccination rates among residents "disappointingly low".

"The evidence is compelling that old age is the biggest risk to becoming seriously ill with COVID-19, and it is now ...


(21-06-2024, 10:44 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  By looking at this declarations, or rather conclusions, it makes me feels like vomitting.

It's all money driven, and self promotion involving so many hi level politicians

Wuhan virus is an influenza not fatal as 2003 SAR

Wearing a mask gives you a false sense of security.

Do not open it straight away, you don't have too?

The Govt didn't do everything right but are learning.

Largely poor Singaporeans especially pensioners being misled..

Like fairytale, the pied piper of Hamelin

(19-06-2024, 10:00 AM)Scythian Wrote:  How Singapore picked it's Covid19 vaccines?

"Singapore decided not to wait for the trials, and even paid a premium on the price, in order to secure some early stock of vaccines for people here at high risk, such as healthcare workers and the elderly.

That was for the Moderna mRNA vaccine, which has yet to be approved for use here."

"Singapore signed two more purchase agreements in August - with Sinovac which produces a traditional vaccine, and Pfizer-BioNTech which also uses mRNA.

These purchases should provide sufficient vaccines for the entire adult population. But Singapore is buying more."

Pfizer has Hai-si lahh, many kai-yai to tium tium go and inject with Pfizer. I kana injected two times, me 2nd time, I abit like going to fall, then part-time staff help me to sit and rest... crying

(24-06-2024, 06:59 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Pfizer has Hai-si lahh, many kai-yai to tium tium go and inject with Pfizer. I kana injected two times, me 2nd time, I abit like going to fall, then part-time staff help me to sit and rest... crying

Politicians doing it several X for very different reasons 

Maybe they were paid handsomely for doing it, who knows?

Politician says Wuhan virus is influenza and some don't even sure how to wear a mask yet, forcing everyone to go for jab

How can?

(21-06-2024, 02:31 PM)Scythian Wrote:  .
All Guinea pigs taken for a rollercoaster ride

[Image: Screenshot-2024-06-13-10-31-25-00-40deb4...480b12.jpg]

But GMS got pofma??

None of the members in task force has medical degrees or medical professionals 

They dragged till the end

If you had 3 jabs and nothing happened, it doesn't mean nothing happened.   

It only means not yet happens lah.    


(22-06-2024, 04:38 PM)Blin Wrote:  https://youtube.com/shorts/drraGGQk5fM?s...fHUaw0lhXq

cannot cannot.... Tongue

 cannot talk about fauci and gain of function research fundings and hiding of the viral origins...  Tongue

can only talk about evil CCP lolololol... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[Image: https://i.ibb.co/0hWSqby/wednesday-quote.jpg]

(22-06-2024, 12:29 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Aged care vaccinations 'disappointingly low' as COVID-19 cases climb
Sydney Morning Herald|5 days ago
calling COVID-19 vaccination rates among residents "disappointingly low". "The evidence is compelling that old age is the biggest risk to becoming seriously ill with COVID-19, and it is now ...

People who stay happy in their 70s and beyond usually adopt these 9 daily habits.


(25-06-2024, 08:21 PM)webinarian Wrote:    
If you had 3 jabs and nothing happened, it doesn't mean nothing happened.   

It only means not yet happens lah.    


I had 3 jabs but so far nothing happened lah! Big Grin I'm waiting for something to happen lah!

(22-06-2024, 04:45 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Despite many people having 2x and 3x vaccination yet, they still contracted Covid 19 and hospitalised.

So, what's the use ?

I am thinking it can covered and save also can destroy the https://sgtalk.net/Thread-Singapore-Hit-...#pid776746

(26-06-2024, 02:24 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  I am thinking it can covered and save also can destroy the https://sgtalk.net/Thread-Singapore-Hit-...#pid776746

https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/c...by-covid19 (fyi reading)😍

(26-06-2024, 02:13 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  People who stay happy in their 70s and beyond usually adopt these 9 daily habits.

nutraingredients-asia.com › Article › 2020 › 06 › 29 › Singapore-COVID-19-study-Vitamin-B12-D-and-magnesium-supplementation-reduces-severity-in-older-patients
Singapore COVID-19 study: Vitamin B12, D and magnesium supplementation ...
A cohort study in Singapore has found that the combination of vitamin D, magnesium and vitamin B12 (DMB) could reduce the rate of progression in older patients with Covid-19. The study conducted by researchers at the Singapore General Hospital and Duke-NUS Medical School reported that patients who received DMB had a significant reduction of ...

Add omega 3 and drink tea could be betterr than rmnacovidvax.

Nanoparticles: Risk for babies in the womb
Science Daily
|19 days ago
Nanoparticles are contained in a large number of products, but they are also produced during wear and tear as well as through combustion processes (see box). "We absorb these substances from the ...

rmnacovidvax induce spike protein is smaller than the virus as is without the core. 
such nanoparticle running around the body is risk. 
It is not a rocket science to know that.

Researchers from Havard TH Chan Singapore conferred Singapore Covid19 tracing as "Gold Standards".. other countries should learn from Singapore.

It's all BS don't believe this rubbish.

(26-06-2024, 02:22 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  I had 3 jabs but so far nothing happened lah! Big Grin I'm waiting for something to happen lah!
need some advice? lololol... Tongue

take the 4th and 5th jab roh lololol... Tongue

remember to GPGT, else no count loolol... Tongue

then go lab do IgG4 antibodies test for vax generated spike lololololol... Tongue


this is NOT medical advice, this is MOH recommendations! Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[Image: https://i.ibb.co/0hWSqby/wednesday-quote.jpg]
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