Thai: If you get Covid-19 in Chiang Mai, we’ll pay you 100,000 baht.

100,000 Thai Baht equals 3,739.48 Singapore Dollar

Despite being hit with several new coronavirus cases this week, Chiang Mai tourism officials are making tourists a potentially lucrative offer: “If you get Covid-19 in Chiang Mai, we’ll pay you 100,000 baht.”

Phallop Saejew, chairman of the Chiang Mai Tourism Industry Council, said Dec. 2 that his group and six other tourism associations created the offer to reassure domestic tourists that the region is safe. In addition to paying 100,000 baht to anyone who contracts the coronavirus in the Chiang Mai area, the groups will pay a million baht if a person dies.

Not worth the risk for 100k baht.

Someone feels that almost all here are exposed to the virus and its variants.

The persistent cough is a BIG sign.

Applicable to domestic tourists only, foreigners wait long long lah.

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