Money isn’t important! Take it from Google’s multimillionaire CEO

the hypocrisy of the rich - HOPE You ALL  BURN IN  HELL 

Money isn’t important! Take it from Google’s multimillionaire CEO

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Somme road, alerts,  Choc,  winbig

Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT

What’s more annoying than a very rich boss cutting his staff’s benefits? A very rich boss announcing it shouldn’t stop them having fun

grab your tiniest violin: Google, once known for its lavish work perks, is slashing its fun budget. Employees can no longer jet off on as many jollies as they used to and are going to have to dramatically scale back their Christmas parties. The cost-cutting hasn’t gone down well with Google staff, who confronted the CEO, Sundar Pichai, at a recent company-wide meeting. Why was Google “nickel-and-diming” them, Pichai was asked, when the company “had record profits and huge cash reserves”?

Pichai’s response was: “I hope all of you are reading the news.” Because the news, you may have noticed, isn’t great right now. After briefly talking about macroeconomic conditions, Pichai couldn’t resist moralising. “I remember when Google was small and scrappy,” the multimillionaire, who earned $6.3m (£5.8m) in pay last year, said. “We shouldn’t always equate fun with money. I think you can walk into a hard-working startup and people may be having fun and it shouldn’t always equate to money.”

We are in the middle of a cost of living crisis where people are having to choose between heating and eating. The fact that a bunch of well-paid techies are having their sushi budgets reduced isn’t exactly a tragedy. Still it is hard not to feel infuriated by Pichai’s remarks. There is nothing more annoying, after all, than obscenely rich people explaining to the rest of us that money just isn’t that important. Fun doesn’t always equate to money, that’s true, but it is hard to have fun when you are perpetually broke. Pichai may not realise this, but a lot of people around the world certainly do.

In the UK, disposable income for the under-30s has fallen by more than a fifth compared with this time last year, for example. Socialising has become increasingly unaffordable and, as a result, a lot of young people’s social lives have evaporated. I hope that Pichai has been reading the news and realises that many people are suffering right now. If he doesn’t understand why his comments are so irritating amid a cost of living crisis then perhaps he should try Googling it?

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Somme road, alerts,  Choc,  winbig

Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT

He's right, and he isn't saying it to folks on the streets. He's saying it to Google's employees who are well-known to be given good salaries.

See his face. 讲鸟话。

To be fair if moi ish as lich as him will also dare to openly claim money not important cause money ish indeed no longer an issue in life for moi if moi do have as much $$$ as him one. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(29-09-2022, 02:20 PM)dynamite Wrote:  See his face. 讲鸟话。

鬼话连篇 Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Yap money is not important when u kick the bucket
How to live in this world without money?

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(29-09-2022, 03:58 PM)Choc Wrote:  Just every day eat ckt and come here brag talk3 talk4 can live happily in his dream world..... Laughing


No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

its the same attitude as eat meals in hawkers centre or eat at restuarant ...

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Somme road, alerts,  Choc,  winbig

Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT

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