My Poem on USA nice?

The land of the free, the home of the brave,
United States, a nation we all crave,
With mountains high and oceans wide,
The beauty of this land cannot be denied.

From coast to coast, and border to border,
A nation of diversity, we all order,
Different cultures, languages and races,
Yet we come together and embrace our differences with grace.

From the hustle and bustle of New York City,
To the serene beauty of the Grand Canyon so pretty,
From the music of New Orleans Jazz,
To the innovation of Silicon Valley, technology that surpass.

We remember the struggles and fights,
For justice, freedom and human rights,
From the Civil War to Civil Rights,
A nation that strives for equality and justice in its sight.

The United States, a nation of dreams,
Where anyone can achieve great things,
Where opportunity and hard work go hand in hand,
And success is possible for every woman and man.

From the farmers of the heartland,
To the skyscrapers of the urban land,
From the artists and writers to the entrepreneurs,
A nation of creativity and innovation that endures.

With the red, white, and blue of our flag,
We honor the brave, who in defense never lag,
From the heroes of the past to those of today,
We salute the brave, who keep our nation at bay.

The United States, a beacon of hope,
Where dreams can be fulfilled and challenges we can cope,
With unity, strength and resilience we stand,
For a brighter tomorrow, a prosperous and free land.

So let us cherish this nation we hold dear,
And work to make its future bright and clear,
For we are one nation, indivisible and free,
The United States of America, the land of opportunity.


No one support?

Did Chatgpt write for u?

(23-02-2023, 10:28 PM)winbig Wrote:  Did Chatgpt write for u?

Smile yea

(23-02-2023, 10:31 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Smile yea

you never write "me and my uncle and my dick in brokeback mountain"

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