NUS/NTU Prof weigh in on CECA & immigration..xenophobia fueled by various sentiments

It's a long article that explore the multi facetted aspects of complex social immigration

While they cite the negative behavior and sentiment of Singaporeans like racism and xenophobia, only one professor mentioned that Singaporeans may be driven by stress due to increased competitionfor jobs towards those negative feelings.

But if what he said is true. Increased competition means a Singaporean is less likely to get a job he wants...wouldn't that be a negative impact of immigration. If that is so why only look at  gains and ignore the losses experienced by  Singaporeans? If one is at the receiving end of the loss, wouldn't a negative sentiment towards immigration be a normal human response ...why is it characterised as a xenophobic response by politicians.

Long read but none of the professors dare to challenge the govt narrative ... dance around it.... dropping hints but avoiding the heart of the issue...which is how much do Singaporeans gain or lose from the immigration policy.

[Image: Screenshot-20210807-055510-2.png]

wolverine state credit union

I bet ceca very happy now, they can come into spore .


I think PAP put the cart in front of the horse again. Is it Stress > no jobs or No jobs> stress?

Of course its the later, lah. So why blame us that we cannot handle stress?

The fault lies on PAP for failing to create enough fitting jobs for locals.

"I understand people being under stress because of Covid-19, and anxious about their jobs and families".

Why the white country selling thieves would risk SG racial by insisting of opening the floodgates to india variant CECA?
What india variant CECA economic gain they bring to SG, they are not even in ours top 10 trading partners

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

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