Guards told to address inmates as 'mister' to cut violence at Japanese prison

Julian Ryall
Tue, 5 September 2023 at 12:42 am SGT·

Guards at a harsh Japanese prison have been instructed to address inmates as “mister” in an attempt to reduce abuse.

Wardens at Nagoya Prison are now required to address inmates by their family name followed by “san”, which directly translates to “honourable mister”.

The guards have also been ordered to stop using the terms convict and “yatsura”, a derogatory term that means “you men”.


The changes came into effect in August and were the result of an investigation into reports that surfaced last year, which detailed physical and verbal abuse towards inmates by officers.

The inquiry ultimately determined that 22 guards assaulted or otherwise mistreated three male prisoners on 419 occasions between November 2021 and September 2022.


However, guards claimed they had only acted when the inmates failed to follow instructions. Ten of the warders now face criminal charges and potential prison terms.


Nagoya Prison is regarded as one of the toughest in Japan, with guards previously found guilty of killing two inmates and seriously injuring another in 2001 and 2002.

Seven wardens were also convicted of a series of assaults on prisoners, including killing one man by aiming a high-pressure fire hose at his anus and causing him to die of bacterial shock. The guards received only suspended sentences.

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