41% of Japanese say country should change constitution to prepare for Chinese attack



for the Japanese who operate on Japoni Blackhole
and depend on US corp Dola to pull her out
the so-called yen carry trade
singlon wori if chinese do not attack
she cannot function.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-10-10-00-20.png]



你以為鬧台獨的是台灣人?你真的錯了!(好文,一針見血) 台灣的台獨實際是日本人的百年陰謀!


台獨只是他們的過度和跳板,武力解放台灣時,他們是會和解放軍打巷戰,拼到底的,混在台灣內的日本人 楊振明教授記述:

[size=11]以前我一直不能理解為什麼台灣有激進親日分子,自去(民國 103)年6月間,高中歷史教科書微調案引發後,不少台獨學者抗拒,只准使用「日治」不同意用「日據」... 等,進而除「中國化」、除「台灣化」、推行「日本皇民化」... 這些激進親日分子,其背景沒有人去追究。[/size]

在台灣這麼自由、民主的社會還迷戀日本,擁抱日本,當然有他民族的特質;表面認定他們是在玩弄政治搞台獨,壓根兒就沒有人去想他們原就是日本人,這不是胡說,也不是扣帽子,有史實可考,戶籍事務所應可驗證,政府接收時外交、 內政部都應有公案文書可查。


[size=11]光復台灣才70年,戶借數據應清楚記載,更改姓名是可查鑒,凡叛製造事端者,查清身分後,依法究辦或遣返日本,除去害群之馬,以安我家邦。台灣光復至今已70年,那時台灣住民約500余萬人,現約有4.5 倍成長,那時歸順日本皇民約30余萬人,至今也約100多萬人。其部分知識分子與經濟富裕子弟還投入政治體系與民意代表,從事政治活動,搞台灣獨立。如李登輝就是皇民代表人物,在他與陳水扁執政 20年,錄用不少搞台獨分子,進入高等學術單位與政府機構。他們以不當言論,歪曲歷史事實,誤導人民視聽,醜化中華民國政府,去「中國化」、去「台灣化」,推行「日本皇民化」,擁抱日本者大有人在。[/size]

[size=11]這八條街商人多為日本人經營,日本商人被遣返,其不動產店面房屋無法帶走,只得廉價轉移給台灣人,(附民國38816日掃蕩報刊登台灣省日產清理處第二批日產移轉案件審查決定公告報紙左證是實)或贈送給本省人, 無法攜帶的東西就送給本省人。[/size]




[size=11]凡有血性的中國同胞,懇請廣為轉傳。 無論您有多忙,請花 1 秒鐘的時間把它放到你的圈子里!可能您的朋友就需要!謝謝![/size]


(18-08-2022, 10:21 AM)CHAOS Wrote:  安倍晉三去世,日本政府沒有降半旗,日本東京鐵塔沒有亮燈致哀,只有日本自民黨降半旗。日本新聞大幅報導,但日本民眾表現相當冷淡。


你以為鬧台獨的是台灣人?你真的錯了!(好文,一針見血) 台灣的台獨實際是日本人的百年陰謀!


台獨只是他們的過度和跳板,武力解放台灣時,他們是會和解放軍打巷戰,拼到底的,混在台灣內的日本人 楊振明教授記述:

[size=11]以前我一直不能理解為什麼台灣有激進親日分子,自去(民國 103)年6月間,高中歷史教科書微調案引發後,不少台獨學者抗拒,只准使用「日治」不同意用「日據」... 等,進而除「中國化」、除「台灣化」、推行「日本皇民化」... 這些激進親日分子,其背景沒有人去追究。[/size]

在台灣這麼自由、民主的社會還迷戀日本,擁抱日本,當然有他民族的特質;表面認定他們是在玩弄政治搞台獨,壓根兒就沒有人去想他們原就是日本人,這不是胡說,也不是扣帽子,有史實可考,戶籍事務所應可驗證,政府接收時外交、 內政部都應有公案文書可查。


[size=11]光復台灣才70年,戶借數據應清楚記載,更改姓名是可查鑒,凡叛製造事端者,查清身分後,依法究辦或遣返日本,除去害群之馬,以安我家邦。台灣光復至今已70年,那時台灣住民約500余萬人,現約有4.5 倍成長,那時歸順日本皇民約30余萬人,至今也約100多萬人。其部分知識分子與經濟富裕子弟還投入政治體系與民意代表,從事政治活動,搞台灣獨立。如李登輝就是皇民代表人物,在他與陳水扁執政 20年,錄用不少搞台獨分子,進入高等學術單位與政府機構。他們以不當言論,歪曲歷史事實,誤導人民視聽,醜化中華民國政府,去「中國化」、去「台灣化」,推行「日本皇民化」,擁抱日本者大有人在。[/size]

[size=11]這八條街商人多為日本人經營,日本商人被遣返,其不動產店面房屋無法帶走,只得廉價轉移給台灣人,(附民國38816日掃蕩報刊登台灣省日產清理處第二批日產移轉案件審查決定公告報紙左證是實)或贈送給本省人, 無法攜帶的東西就送給本省人。[/size]




[size=11]凡有血性的中國同胞,懇請廣為轉傳。 無論您有多忙,請花 1 秒鐘的時間把它放到你的圈子里!可能您的朋友就需要!謝謝![/size]


So-called "Taiwan independence" is not really about Taiwan independence. It is actually about an unregenerate fascist Japan re-annexing Taiwan as a Japanese colony. 

    ● Do you think it is the Taiwanese Chinese who are rioting for Taiwan's independence? You are wrong.
    ● Taiwan's independence movement is actually a century-old conspiracy of the Japanese.
    ● Taiwanese society is exceedingly complex.
    ● In 1945 the Japanese military government surrendered but did not repatriate all the Japanese soldiers stationed in Taiwan back to Japan.
    ● Over 300,000 Japanese soldiers remained in Taiwan, abandoned their military uniforms, and became naturalized Chinese citizens with assumed Chinese names.
    ● Now there are about 4 million Japanese descendants with assumed Chinese names living in Taiwan whose loyalty is still to Japan
    ● Among them are Lee Teng-Hui, Chen Shui-bian & President Tsai Ing-Wen - all of Japanese ancestry. Their ultimate goal is not Taiwan's independence, but Taiwan's integration into Japan.
    ● Taiwan's independence is just its transition & springboard for its ultimate objective.
    ● The day when China takes action to liberate Taiwan, these Japanese descendants would fight the PLA to the end.
    ● Many so-called Taiwan independence scholars of Japanese descent resisted the fine-tuning of high school history books that reflect on the Japanese invasion of Taiwan.
    ● They also wanted to eliminate sinicization, and Taiwanization to preserve some form of Japanese imperiousness.
    ● These radical pro-Japanese elements have no one to investigate their background.
    ● In a free & democratic society like Taiwan, they are still obsessed with loyalty to Japan.
    ● Even now few ever thought these leaders were of Japanese descent.
    ● This is no nonsense. The historical reality can be verified. The household registration office & Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Interior have official documents to substantiate.
    ● This group of people did not dare to act rashly during the rule of the Chiang Kai Shek Government in the early days when the government moved to Taiwan. But after Lee Teng-hui & Chen Shui-bian came to power they sprang up in the political, academic & commercial arena.
    ● Right now they are much bolder, and arrogant and dare to even suggest that China men and women return back to China.
    ● True Taiwanese Chinese have now been pushed aside, short-changed, and marginalized.
    ● We Chinese can no longer remain silent. All Chinese people must rise up & clear the door for the Japanese traitors camouflaging as Chinese to be flushed out, expelled & send back to Japan.
    ● Anyone causing troubles must be investigated & dealt with according to law and/or repatriated to Japan.
    ● Chinese people must never allow the Japanese to occupy Taiwan ever again.

[+] 1 user Likes CHAOS's post


TokyoLivingToday 07:29 am JST
Dear Japan..

Be smart, it is better to have a close friend and not another "friend" who is on the other side of the pacific and only uses you as a geopolitical platform... And who will not do anything to help you when you are sinking... It will only run away as it always has..


(18-08-2022, 10:03 AM)CHAOS Wrote:  https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4555735

That means 59% dun support.... Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(18-08-2022, 12:58 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  That means 59% dun support.... Big Grin

Not exactly, we still dont know isnt all the 59 percent are totally opposed to the idea

China-Japan_2016_01.png (309×458) (pewresearch.org)

The invasion of Ryukyu (琉球侵攻, Ryūkyū Shinkō) by forces of the Japanese feudal domain of Satsuma took place from March to May of 1609, and marked the beginning of the Ryukyu Kingdom's status as a vassal state under the Satsuma domain. The invasion for


The Ryukyu independence movement (琉球独立運動, Ryūkyū Dokuritsu Undō) or the Republic of the Ryukyus (Japanese: 琉球共和国, Kyūjitai: 琉球共和國, Hepburn: Ryūkyū Kyōwakoku) is a political movement advocating for the independence of the Ryukyu Islands (commonly referred to as Okinawa after the largest island) from Japan.[1]  The current political manifestation of the movement emerged in 1945, after the end of the Pacific War. Some Ryukyuan people felt, as the Allied Occupation (USMGRI 1945–1950) began, that the Ryukyus should eventually become an independent state instead of being returned to Japan. However, the islands were returned to Japan on 15 May 1972 as the Okinawa Prefecture according to the 1971 Okinawa Reversion Agreement. The US-Japan Security Treaty (ANPO) signed in 1952 provides for the continuation of the American military presence in Japan, and the United States continues to maintain a heavy military presence on Okinawa Island. This set the stage for renewed political activism for Ryukyuan independence.

The Ryukyu independence movement maintains that both the 1609 invasion by Satsuma Domain and the Meiji construction of the Okinawa prefecture as colonial annexations of the Ryukyu Kingdom. It is highly critical of the abuses of Ryukyuan people and territory, both in the past and in the present day (such as the use of Okinawan land to host large American military bases).[2] Okinawa comprises only 0.6% of all Japanese territory, yet 75% of all United States military forces are stationed in U.S. facilities that take up 10.4% of Okinawa Prefecture i.e. 18.8-20% of Okinawa Island.[3][4]  U.S military personnel have been involved in many crimes committed in Okinawa over the years,[5][6] one of the most well-known being the 1995 Okinawa rape incident and the Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident. The continued presence of the U.S. military remains a source of contention, especially against the Futenma Air Station. The U.S. military has failed to follow through on its promise established in 1996 to reduce its presence. Independentists also emphasize the environmental impact of the American bases accepted by Tokyo.[7][8]


(18-08-2022, 01:30 PM)CHAOS Wrote:  The Ryukyu independence movement (琉球独立運動, Ryūkyū Dokuritsu Undō) or the Republic of the Ryukyus (Japanese: 琉球共和国, Kyūjitai: 琉球共和國, Hepburn: Ryūkyū Kyōwakoku) is a political movement advocating for the independence of the Ryukyu Islands (commonly referred to as Okinawa after the largest island) from Japan.[1]  The current political manifestation of the movement emerged in 1945, after the end of the Pacific War. Some Ryukyuan people felt, as the Allied Occupation (USMGRI 1945–1950) began, that the Ryukyus should eventually become an independent state instead of being returned to Japan. However, the islands were returned to Japan on 15 May 1972 as the Okinawa Prefecture according to the 1971 Okinawa Reversion Agreement. The US-Japan Security Treaty (ANPO) signed in 1952 provides for the continuation of the American military presence in Japan, and the United States continues to maintain a heavy military presence on Okinawa Island. This set the stage for renewed political activism for Ryukyuan independence.

The Ryukyu independence movement maintains that both the 1609 invasion by Satsuma Domain and the Meiji construction of the Okinawa prefecture as colonial annexations of the Ryukyu Kingdom. It is highly critical of the abuses of Ryukyuan people and territory, both in the past and in the present day (such as the use of Okinawan land to host large American military bases).[2] Okinawa comprises only 0.6% of all Japanese territory, yet 75% of all United States military forces are stationed in U.S. facilities that take up 10.4% of Okinawa Prefecture i.e. 18.8-20% of Okinawa Island.[3][4]  U.S military personnel have been involved in many crimes committed in Okinawa over the years,[5][6] one of the most well-known being the 1995 Okinawa rape incident and the Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident. The continued presence of the U.S. military remains a source of contention, especially against the Futenma Air Station. The U.S. military has failed to follow through on its promise established in 1996 to reduce its presence. Independentists also emphasize the environmental impact of the American bases accepted by Tokyo.[7][8]


Evil Western White man MSM totally ignore this matter!

China, Russia and N Korea can join hands and wipe Japan off the map!
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Oh no ....another propaganda from TW media ?

FACT is I only know 100% of the Japanese agree they don't want another mushroom cloud appear over their little islands..

[Image: 8the-mushroom-clouds-over-hiroshima-and-...-daily.jpg]

Very sensible of the Japanese pple to allow country leaders and the military to b on the defensive rather than attacking position. Unlike some nations,  the country leaders kept calling to Attack  the other country almost every other day.  But it is useless in that country to hv constitutions becos the leaders and the military  can just change the constitutions as they like.  Their pple hv no say at all.


(18-08-2022, 04:43 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Very sensible of the Japanese pple to allow country leaders and the military to b on the defensive rather than attacking position. Unlike some nations,  the country leaders kept calling to Attack  the other country almost every other day.  But it is useless in that country to hv constitutions becos the leaders and the military  can just change the constitutions as they like.  Their pple hv no say at all.

You mean US ?

(18-08-2022, 04:43 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Very sensible of the Japanese pple to allow country leaders and the military to b on the defensive rather than attacking position. Unlike some nations,  the country leaders kept calling to Attack  the other country almost every other day.  But it is useless in that country to hv constitutions becos the leaders and the military  can just change the constitutions as they like.  Their pple hv no say at all.

Your eyes tak stamps ah?  Laughing

Japan PM Pays Tribute to WWII War Criminals (ibtimes.co.uk)

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