Seriously, dun take 737-800, new incident!!!

I will never ever fugging fly in a Boeing 737-800 … for that matter all 737 …. kenna how many times liow …. just hang up this model lah

MAS Boeing flight 'dives', passengers 'float' in their seats

One of the passengers onboard Ms Halimah Nasoha in her Facebook posting said the Boeing 737-800 that took off from KLIA at 2.30pm flight took a 'sharp dive', about 30 minutes after take-off.

She said the flight that was cruising at 31,000ft, dropped to 24,000ft in a matter of seconds, based on her checks on the Flight Radar application.

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

You can be sure the signal to dive came from outside the plane.

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