Netizens express concern over high food prices
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

population need to reduce severely. eat less.

99% of problems can be solved by VTO.
If u really that dumbfark....just keep kpkb lor.
[+] 1 user Likes Notdumb's post

whats there to yak?
try not buying fr them la.

see if can tahan.

(26-04-2022, 09:48 AM)Notdumb Wrote:  99% of problems can be solved by VTO.
If u really that dumbfark....just keep kpkb lor.

Those foreigners like Jac Lau even told me to vote for dead Mr LKY

But he die already, leh! 

I want to vote for my Future, not past.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Whatever so called import inflation are all passed down to consumers. Whatever costs it is always the consumers that bear it. While bosses get to be billionaires, buy GCBs, drive big cars, etc.

(26-04-2022, 10:20 AM)A2Z Wrote:  Whatever so called import inflation are all passed down to consumers. Whatever costs it is always the consumers that bear it. While bosses get to be billionaires, buy GCBs, drive big cars, etc.


(26-04-2022, 08:10 AM)theold Wrote:


And the link is the Independent, a well known oppies website,

These days, all oppies like to call themselves netzines or Sinkies as if they represent the whole of Singapore!

Really low down scums.

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