New York passes law dealing with funerals "decompose the body to make fertilizer"

Democratic New York Governor Katie Hochul has passed a composting law. As of Saturday (Dec. 31), it was the sixth state in the United States to allow this method of disposing of dead bodies.

In 2019, Washington became the first US state to legalize this method of disposing of dead bodies. followed by Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, California and New York is the latest state.

for decomposing the bodies of the deceased also known as "Natural Organic Reduction" can turn the deceased into fertilizer within four to six weeks. wood, some grasses, and straw, with a humidity control system and a carbon dioxide control system. suitable for the growth of bacteria After about a month, the decomposed body will be turned into fertilizer and then undergo a heat disinfection process. Then it will be returned to family or loved ones. that can be used to grow flowers, vegetables or trees

True purpose of depopulation?

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