Reducing air travel by small amounts makes big difference in climate action

Milan Klower
09 Nov 2021 06:08AM
(Updated: 09 Nov 2021 06:08AM)

OXFORD: Just before the pandemic, aircraft engines were burning 1 billion litres of fuel a day. But then the number of daily civil aviation flights fell from 110,000 to less than 50,000 during 2020, on average.

With the easing of travel restrictions, air traffic is increasing back towards its pre-pandemic peak.


Most world leaders and delegates will have flown to Glasgow to attend COP26 – the 26th annual UN climate change summit – in person.

But as they haggle over emissions targets to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and not 3 degrees Celsius or more, aviation is unlikely to be included in them, given the lack of low-carbon alternatives to long-haul flights.

But it should be.


Aviation is responsible for 4 per cent of the 1.2 degrees Celsius rise in the global mean temperature we have already experienced since the industrial revolution.


Airlines effectively add more to global warming than most countries.


How much would aviation need to shrink to level off its influence on global warming?

Our calculations show that flying does not need to stop immediately to prevent aviation’s contribution to global warming expanding.


with a yearly decrease of 2.5 per cent in jet fuel consumption, currently only achievable with cuts in air traffic, this warming will level off at a constant level over the coming decades.

This pandemic help climate change. Talk so much..


wasting tax payer money go for COP26.
by taking into account fuel burnt by aircraft engines carrying these politicians to COP26...

not that these leaders are going to achieve something significant after COP26...


I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

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