Ukraine : Attack Kyiv, and we will make it the Russians' Stalingrad

But he warns Russia should prepare for heavy losses should it advance on the city.

“It’s a massive town of millions and if the Russians try to come in they will have quite a fight on their hands – this will be their Stalingrad if they want to make it so,” he says, referring to the bloodiest battle of World War Two, in which about 1.1m Soviet troops and 800,000 Nazi German and Romanian troops died.

The 1942-43 battle was a turning-point, halting the Nazi advance in Russia.

“Nobody is going to surrender – I can definitely guarantee you that,” he says.

The difference is Russia going to take strategic positions not city. ukraine to move all people to these positions?

Cut supplies and stuff it of logistics and occasional bombings to create fear.


The defenders in Kyiv will not surrender because those that could/would surrender have already left the city. The ones remaining are those who chose to stay ie the hardcore elements of the Ukr Azov forces making their last stand, Volkstrumm (people's defence force), Strafbatallion (armed prisoners), Soldiers of Fortune (mercenaries), foreign volunteers, AND those who are prevented from leaving being used as human shields. The toughest of them are the hardcore Azov fighters & the mercenaries fighting for bounty.

However the Russians have the advantage of experience & supply line. If & when they finally enter Kyiv, they would have done the necessary foot reconnaissance, indentify friendly commanders/collaborators, etc.

make the russian dogs pay a very heavy price

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